Chapter 4 – A Few Home Truths

Chapter 4 – A Few Home Truths

A Chapter by lover of Sirius

Chapter 4 �" A Few Home Truths

Monday came to soon for my liking, plus it was a school day, I woke up at my usual time of 6:30am, had my shower, dried my hair and put it up in a pony tail, I got dressed into my school uniform which included, a short pleated grey skirt, a white shirt, blue and white striped tie, a black blazer with the Cheadle High School logo on, knee length boots (A/N: optional, this is the uniform I would like, even though It will never happen). I decided to try to wake James and Sirius first, and if they were not up when I came back from waking Lily and Remus up, I would throw a bucket of cold water over them, unfortunately, for them that is just what I had to do. They woke up drenched and angry,

“Great you’re up, now get dressed and come down for some breakfast, I expect you to be in the kitchen in 10 minutes” I said then added to Sirius “5 minutes maximum doing your hair” Sirius looked at me shocked, James was shaking his head at me

“You shouldn’t have done that,” James told me, I raised my eyebrows

“I don’t care, you spend more time on your hair than girls do,” I pointed out, Sirius huffed “Big baby,” I muttered, James heard and laughed

“You’ve got that right” He told me as he got out of bed, I smiled at him, he grabbed his clothes that I had set out for him and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I then turned to Sirius who was still sitting in a huff, I climbed onto the bed next to him I thought about what I was going to say before saying it

“Was that thing you said, yesterday, true or were you drunk?” I asked

“Completely and utterly true” he told me I smiled

“Good” I replied

“Well I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me haven’t I?” he wondered

“Yes you have” I grinned and kissed him hard “Doesn’t mean I can’t tease you” I laughed and got up “Hurry up and come down stairs or we’ll be late” and walked ou the room closing the door behind me.

© 2010 lover of Sirius

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This made me laugh. Sorry, but your imagination is rather humourous, like we'd wear that uniform instead of the trampy s**t we wear now, and ... well .... it was all quite funny

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 17, 2010
Last Updated on May 17, 2010

Coming Back to Reality


lover of Sirius
lover of Sirius

Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom

hiii, my names Fiona i'm 17, Bisexual and from England. I love writing but i have a fear of stepping outside the boundaries of harry potter/ twilight etc. But fortunately for you i have been brain.. more..
