Next Generation

Next Generation

A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne

I have received no requests for stories so I am writing one with NONE OF US IN IT!... just our kids. Got the idea from Yazzy.

Next Generation

AllenxRachel- 3 - twin girls and a boy - Aemea & Quesa(6 1/2) and Zander(3)

KyoxRylie- 2 - boy and girl - Charlie(7) and Hermione(3) 

LavixJaya- 1 - girl - Lizaraline(7)

JustinxBethany - 1 - boy - Phillipe(4)

JackxSarah - 2 - girls - Rosa(6) and Lycie(2)

TykixSiana - 1 1/2- a boy and a baby on the way - Kyuraio(7 in two weeks)

NeahxYasmine - 2 - girl and boy - Elcie(6 1/2) and Natsu(3 1/2)

KandaxAlana - 1 - boy - Daisuke(1 1/2)

"Lizy!" cried a pair of voices. 7 year old Lizaraline Bookman looked up from her math homework "introduction to addition" to see her two friends Aemea and Quesa Walker running up to her with scandalized expressions. Lizaraline was half a year older than her friends, something she liked to remind them constantly, her hair was a thick dark auburn that her mother had braided for her in two neat braids and she had large chocolate eyes that allowed her to sweet talk her teachers into just about anything. Her two friends were identical twins with silvery blue eyes, freckled cheeks, and short brown hair with white side bangs.

"Whaaat?" whined Lizaraline, already unhappy because of her homework. She didn't even have homework at school, but her mother had decided that she needed a "challenge for a change" and made up her own extra work.

"Charlie's being mean! he called us-" began Quesa.

"-a bad word! We just-" continued Aemea.

"-told the teacher that he was the one who put the slug in-"

"-Rosa's lunch. Then he got all mad-"

"-and called us Hoe's!"

"We don't like those pokey garden tools!"

"They hit you in the face when you step on them!"

"Why would he call you a garden tool?" asked Lizaraline.

"Beats me, but it's a baaad word." said Aemea.

"Yeah, last time, when we were all at Auntie Yazzy and Uncle Neah's house-"

"-Charlie called Elcie a garden hoe too-"

"-and Auntie Yazzy wahed his mouth out with soap-"

"-and Mommy said a 7 year old should not be saying bad words like that-"

"-and his mamma laughed and laughed-"

"-then when she was done she told him he wouldn't get any desert." they finished together.

"Hmm... I think I may have heard my mamma say something like that about some lady she didn't like once when she thought I couldn't hear." mused Lizaraline.

"REALLY?!" asked the twins looking impressed.

"Really what?" asked a familiar voice. 

"Rosa!" The little girls squealed in delight running over to their friend. Rosa was tall for a 6 year old, though still not as tall as Lizaraline which she was very happy about, with her mothers features but her fathers wild blond hair and green eyes.

"Hey Lizy! Aemea! Quesa! Its been foreeeever since we were together!" squealed Rosa shyly hugging her friends.

"I know its been-"

"-like two days!"

"Hey Rosa guess what?!" said Lizaraline, always liking to deliver news first, "Charlie's been going around calling girls... garden hoes!"

"He hasn't!" said Rosa scandalized.

"He has!" coursed the twins.

"He called us that-"

"-just this morning!"

"Hmm... my daddy told me once little boys are mean to the girls because they like them." said Rosa thoughtfully.

"That's it!" cried Lizaraline, eyes shining dreamily, "Charlie must like you!" 

"...Which one of us?" asked the twins blankly.

"hmm... i don't know." frowned Lizaraline.

"Maybe he likes both of you." offered Rosa.

"You can't love two girls at once!" said Aemea.

"And he also said it to Elcie too!" pointed out Quesa.

"Eeew! three girls!" said Lizaraline.

"What a- a-a-" the girls paused for a moment trying to think of a word bad enough to call him.

"Meanie head!" they decided at last.

"Hey are you girls talking about me? thats not fair, I said I was sorry! you're such tattle tales!" said Charlie walking up with Kyuraio. Charlie had flaming orange hair and wide blue eyes with freckles all over. Kyuraio had rosy chubby cheeks, wild curly black hair, and mishiviouse brown eyes.

"Ah! the boys are spying on us!" cried the girls fleeing to the trees.

"Don't freak out, why would we want to hang out with- with-" fumbled Charlie turning red.

"Girls." supplied Kyuraio.

"Yeah, dumb girls!" said Charlie.

"I am not dumb! I've beat you at ever test!" said Lizaraline indignantly.

"So? I run faster than you!"

"Yeah, because running is stupid! My mommy told me that running is only for people who don't have brains to think!" said Lizaraline.

"Oh, does she? my mommy-"

"-says your mommy-"

"-just doesn't like to run." said the twins.

"What's this?" asked Kyuraio picking up Lizaraline's homework.

"Hey put down my homework!" cried Lizaraline.

"Homework?" asked Kyuraio, "we don't have homework."

"I do, it's from my mom. She wants its done before tomorrow!" said Lizaraline struggling to get back down from the tree.

"You do homework before its due?" gasped Charlie.


"Why would you do that?" said Charlie looking mystified.

"Because I am smart!" said Lizaraline proudly.

"つ�"い!” said the twins in awe.

"Lizy your so cool!" squealed Rosa.

"Say Lizy? how about we play a game?" said Kyuraio with a wicked grin that held far too much of his father in it, "You think running is useless? well how about we run to the pond and drop your homework in it?"

"Yes!" grinned Charlie.

"No!" cried Lizaraline.

"Bully!" cried the twins.

"Charlie run!" grinned Kyuraio giving charlie the paper. Charlie ran with Lizaraline hot on his heals. She was quite fast when she wanted to be.

"Kyuraio that was mean!" said Aemea as the girls got down from the tree.

"I am telling teacher." said Rosa running off.

"Teacher can't make me do anything." grinned Kyuraio settling into his smug i-am-almost-7-i-am-so-cool self that many boys have.

"Maybe not," said Aemea.

"But-," said Quesa.





"-mother." they finished smugly.

"You wouldn't dare." said Kyuraio looking horrified. 

"We will!"

"I'll get Charlie to give Lizy back her paper. It's only 'cause he likes her." said Kyuraio edging away incase the twins thought up more horrible ideas.

"Boys are weird." muttered the twins.

"HEY QUESA AND AEMEA COME QUICK!" shouted Elcie as soon as she'd run up a few feet away from them. The twins winced at her volume. Elcie was a short compact girl with dark brown skin and corn rows in her hair and big, golden, eyes.

"What is it?" they asked her.


"Relax Elcie, he probably saw a pretty bird." said Aemea.

"Your little brother is missing too though!" said Elcie calming down once she realized this was probably true.

"He probably got lost on the way to the bathroom." said Quesa.

"Oh yeah, I forgot Zander had no sense of direction." said Elcie giggling, "they really should put our brothers as partners for feildtrips when they get older; they'll always get lost!"

"Probably." agreed the twins. Then they heard from across the school;


"See guys!" said Elcie rounding on the twins grinning, "She can be as loud as I can!"

© 2012 TheEverHungryOne

Author's Note

sorry for the hasty ending; i was getting sleepy. if you want this storyline continued, or a oneshot, or whatever please request. hope you liked.

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totally stole my idea!!! but i still love it! my children r barely mentioned in this story, makes me upset along with siana's!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Awww!!!! My Rosa is sooooo cute!

Elcie sounds JUST like Yamine.

It was a really funny and entertaining chapter!


Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2012
Last Updated on March 16, 2012



phx, AZ

I LOVE FOOD! other then that I am a Renaissance girl (aka I have a lot of hobbies all of which I do intensely) and i am Dyslexic.... so if my writing gets confusing thats why. Oh and I go to a M.. more..

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A Chapter by TheEverHungryOne