Chapter 33: Heading over Green Fields

Chapter 33: Heading over Green Fields

A Chapter by Jensen Roman

The last moments beneath the king now leads to reforging of many bonds and new ones are formed as the journey continues anew.


Chapter 33: Heading over Green Fields



Deep humming…

She had…heard it all before…like a sick chant…

The words were mere whispers…yet at the same time were loud enough to make her head throb painfully.

Where was she…?

What had happened?

She felt a thick trickling of wetness dripping down by her eye and coursed over to her lips, slipping between the cracks to make her cringe at the coppery taste.

Blood…her blood…

Weakly, Fey forced her white eyes open to only be shown a blurry world…but her other senses were coming through for her.


Both of her arms were held tightly in firm grasps…dragging her…

It was then that she felt her knees and legs being scuffed up by hard rubble or stone.

Who was taking her…and where? She blinked her eyes, trying to rid the haziness from them only to hear the chanting growing deeper and the scrapping of her legs only grew worse when she felt them moving down steps.

Her ears tucked back against her hair in fear as her surroundings finally became clear…and the color from her face had completely vanished. She had seen this before…a broken city…crumbling and threatening to fall to never been seen again. Pillars held up what they could of the stone slabs that had old scars within them, a few stones falling to the cobble below.

The two individuals dragging her along reached the final step of the stairs that now led into a large circular area…with an altar in the middle…stained with blood.

Her eyes widened slowly…as she knew what this was and meant. Her muscles stiffened as she pulled against her captors with a silent yell for help. Again, her voice was stolen but their hold on her tightened and they easily overpowered her weakened state to haul her closer. The small grooves in the floor were already filled with blood…and she even spotted a piece of a bone nearby.

This…couldn’t be happening…not to her…

Her lips parted to scream for help…but nothing sounded. Fey’s feet slipped on the wet floor which gave her captors enough leeway to push her down on the hard altar. The stone bit into her back, making her cry out in pain that was silent and she tried to alleviate some of it but her feet dangled helplessly due to the height. There was no way she could move, especially with her captors still holding her arms down, nearly breaking them at the joint.

‘Someone! Anyone, save me! Basil! Sid! Saei!’ She screamed in her mind and she whimpered with another kick of her legs and tail when a tall shadow slowly crawled over her body. Nervously, she looked to see who it belonged to…and she felt her heart stop working.

The last time she was here…all she had seen were silver eyes in the darkness…but this time…it had been stripped away to reveal her worst fear.


She parted her lips, yelling at him to help her but it didn’t even show on his face that her safety mattered as his pupils turned into slits to make him look more like some beast than a being with a soul.

‘Saei! Don’t! It’s me! Please!’ She cried out and couldn’t bear to watch. She clenched her eyes shut with tears flowing down the sides of her face to tangle with the blood as she tried to move her arms with all her might…but it was useless.

Her captors held her steady…and she felt the once delicate hand that had touched her face or hair…now moving her chin back to expose her neck, holding it there. She cried harder for she knew not only what was to come…but that she had left her heart vulnerable and the pain in her chest was far worse than what was to come.

‘T-this…isn’t you…it’s not…you’re not…my Saei…’ She whispered painfully but as if he heard her words, there was a soft snicker above her and everything came to a crashing end when she felt a pain erupt through her throat when his sharp fangs tore into her flesh.


It wasn’t real…but she could had sworn she felt the pain…and it forced her awake with a startled and fearful look. She panted softly, touching her throat with a few beads of sweat racing down her face but when she felt her skin was intact, she sighed heavily with her eyes closing.

“…just…j-just a dream…” she whispered…but the memories from last night came flooding back in waves and her eyes widened. They flew to the spot beside her…but Saei was gone. In fact, his side of the bed was made as if he hadn’t even stayed the night. His sword was gone as well as the cane.

Did…she dream up last night as well?

Taking a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart, Fey fell back onto the bed with a frown. Surely it had happened…but even then…what was she expecting? After such a dream, if Saei was still beside her…what would she do? Scream? She closed her eyes for a moment.

‘I can’t let my fear return. Saei would never do such a thing. It was just my mind playing tricks on me…a bad one…’ She told herself and turned her eyes to the window to see the sun had just risen.


She must not have slept long, possibly three hours or so. It would be enough to get her through the day.

“…I suppose I should get ready,” she said and sat back up to swing her legs over her side of the bed but stopped when she spotted something on her side table. It was a vase holding a single beautiful flower that was pure white but it had specks of frost looking particles drifting off it. She had never seen such a thing before…

“…that wasn’t here last night…” she whispered and looked beside it to see a piece of parchment folded in two with her name written handsomely on the top to let her know it was addressed to her.

Who would had left it there for her? Hopefully not Yuuin…he wouldn’t come into her room while she slept…

Sid would…but…he wouldn’t leave behind a note it seemed.

Curious to find out and not wanting to guess anymore, she picked it up and unfolded it to see the beautiful handwriting.

‘I never was one for speaking a loud my thoughts or words so I thought it’d be best to leave this letter for when you woke. The words I spoke last night were not false, but truly spoken from the heart. I swear to protect you and guide you safely through the snowfields until we reach Estyuin but my other words were also true. The silly story I told? All true. Vendors and merchants haven’t come to me yet, nor kings, unless you count the serpent but even if he offered everything to me in exchange for you, I wouldn’t allow it. It is hard for me to speak it and I suppose I can admit that I am almost frightened to but I’d much rather speak my heart than not to. Last night, I slept so soundly without waking up once. My leg never bothered me and resting beside you made me feel as if I had no care in the world. I will confess that it is a shame that it might be the only time during our travels but I will still cherish it. I woke at dawn and decided to let you sleep a bit more. You do look exhausted and it’ll be a long journey for us. I’ll go dress normally, bind my knee, and prepare us for departure.’

Fey felt her heart racing once more…but this time not in fear and her cheeks were burning terribly. Her eyes noticed he had begun to write something but had scratched it out that made her smile sweetly.

‘It seems even on paper I have trouble speaking my mind. It would be so much easier just to show what is in my mind but I wish for you to know, Fey, that no matter where this journey takes you, you will always be the mender I cherish. Sleep well. " Saei

P.S. If the serpent asks about the flower, I merely picked it from his garden. He had more than plenty to spare so I will take the blame if so.’

Her smile widened as she gently laid her claws over the words, feeling as if the words were Saei himself. They shoved her nightmare to the side and hid it away.

“…I will never doubt you,” she promised and folded the letter but spotted something else on the underside when she was folding it. She turned it right side up and nearly felt her heart stop at what she saw.

‘I love you, my mender.’ The words were smaller than his other writing and to think this message was hidden…but she couldn’t help but lose her breath a tiny bit. She had to reread it a few times to make sure it matched up with his handwriting and her eyes weren’t playing a prank on her. What if…she hadn’t flipped it over? She’d never had seen it…and wouldn’t know. Well, in the back of her mind she knew…but…this was the first time she had seen his confession. Even if he was too shy to speak it, it made her heart feel like it was swimming just to see it. Breathing out a shaky exhale, Fey fell back onto the bed with the folded letter held closely to her heart and started to plan in her mind of possibly returning the favor.



The brace wasn’t holding just like he had thought. Each movement of his body, his leg wasn’t cooperating and it would only send him plummeting to his hands and good knee or onto his backside. With a growl, Saei brushed off the dust from his vest and pushed himself to stand once more with his tail offering support. If he was sluggish now…he didn’t want to think about going against an enemy. Right now, he was useless…and it irked him. With narrowed eyes, Saei brought up his sword again while facing toward the flowers in the garden and attempted to bolt forward with only his right leg but in his mind, he wanted to use his left. He fought against the need to land on his left, swinging his blade in the air to nearly hit the flowers but the movement made him stagger and his left foot came down with his weight. He gasped out loudly at the pain and fell onto his side.

It was no good…

“You won’t be able to fight like that.”

The dragon growled louder at hearing the familiar voice and pushed himself to stand again, keeping his weight on his right leg before glaring over at the palace wall to see Yuuin watching him with his hands in his sleeves. The king didn’t seem angry or upset...

“What is it you want?” Saei asked bitterly, sheathing his sword.

“Nothing in particular. I have been watching you in secret for the last hour…and you continue to put yourself in pain,” Yuuin stated and stepped down into his garden, earning a raised eyebrow from Saei. “…why do you continue?”

“You shouldn’t even be asking such a question,” Saei huffed and grabbed his walking stick from the nearby tree but when he turned to begin heading back toward the palace, he saw Yuuin with a confident smirk.

“Oh, but I must…for with you so disabled…what is stopping me from taking the young mistress from you?” Yuuin asked and crossed his arms over his chest. He saw the flicker of anger within Saei’s eyes and also the mental debate if he should be baited or not.

“Fey already spoke of leaving. You cannot take that from her,” he responded.

“How would you stop me? I could easily overpower you…and keep her here.”

Both ferals exchanged harsh glances but Saei growled lowly and took another step toward the palace, not falling for the bluff but he nearly fell over when a blur knocked the walking stick from under his claws to make it skid across the garden. Saei was forced to balance himself and bared his fangs at Yuuin who blocked his way.

“…go on. Are you not supposed to be meeting up with your companions?” Yuuin asked in a serious tone…but with only the use of his one leg, it would be hard to use his tail as his only substitute. He’d look like he was hobbling.

“For being injured, you sure do have your pride intact,” the king noted and placed his knuckles under his chin in thought. “You’re not going to limp out?”

“Are you wishing for a fight?”

“…I am considering it for if you leave like this…your disability will most likely cause Fey her life. You don’t see it…but on the other hand, if I fight you and Fey happens upon us, she would be pretty upset with me,” he sighed and placed his hands by his side. “To avoid the latter and the former…steal your pride for one moment…”

Saei drew his eyebrows together, not understanding where Yuuin was going with this but the serpent sighed softly as the soft morning breeze blew both of their hair to the side.

“If you are to protect Fey…you’ll need to be able to. I would not be doing it for your sake…but for hers,” he started and motioned to the ground. “Sit…”

Holding his tongue at bay, Saei carefully took a spot on the grass with his useless leg bending awkwardly but kept his eyes on the serpent. The king was careful with his beautiful pristine robe that flowed out around him like spilled water when he knelt before him and hovered his hand over the broken knee.

“Answer me this…what do you plan on doing once Fey reaches Estyuin?”

“That will be for her to decide,” he answered with closed eyes, sighing softly but Yuuin looked up at him.

“…the village existed…past tense…after all these years…I am uncertain if it still resides there or not,” he admitted with a frown, gaining Saei’s attention. For once, they looked at each other without malice…but understanding. “Many beings…not just drysiohns…seek the life of a mender. Fey will always be hunted…no matter where she goes.”

“And anyone who seeks to do so will be impaled on my sword,” Saei responded.

“Couldn’t had said it better myself,” Yuuin allowed a small smile as his hand started to grow warm with a soft glow. Saei’s muscles tensed. Under his skin, he could begin to feel once more with the bones shifting and reforming to become anew. It was painless…

“Promise me one thing though…between two males…” Yuuin began while still mending the knee, wanting it to be better than when he first arrived. Saei could feel the strength in his leg returning but he looked to the king to continue. “If Estyuin doesn’t exist any longer…promise me…you will find her a home and care for her. For all I know…Fey and I could be the last remaining menders. I have not seen any since I have lived here…she is the first which is why I was surprised.”

“I will make sure she is safe, even if you didn’t seek it.”

“Just because we had this small conversation…doesn’t mean I still trust you or like you…” Yuuin narrowed his eyes and removed his hand to show Saei’s knee. It was perfectly straight and the dragon bent it slowly to test it out. When was the last time he could fully move his limb…without wracking him with pain? Since he was a boy…

Now, he would be able to move with great speed...

Pushing against the ground, Saei stood and took a step on his left leg.

No pain…

No stumbling…

It was fully healed.

“But…I am still confused by you.” Saei turned back to Yuuin who also stood and smoothed out his robe. “…I showed you my blood…and yet…you did nothing. Even having Fey so near, your urges should be running rampant like a starving beast. I know what you feel…you would deny it if so…why then? If you know she is a mender…why?” His voice only held uncertainty and looked for answers. Saei’s tail curled slowly behind him.

“…you ask why I feel the way I do?”

“Yes. Most beings would say something along the lines of being unable to explain or something about appearances. What is your reasoning?”

Their eyes never left the others for a few seconds that felt more like hours until Saei broke the staring to land on one of the flowers he had picked earlier that morning. The flecks drifted off the petals…like snow.

“…when we were mere children…I did not see her as a sibling…like my brot-…like Basil had. She was a child that I felt the need to protect. Basil always teased her…and I’d be there to save her.”

“A childhood fancy?”

“It went…deeper…than that,” he whispered, taking a step closer to the flowers and reached out to hold up one with his claws. “Whenever Fey walks into a room…I am unsure if only I can see it…but she has a glow with her as if she were the sun herself.”

“It’s not just you,” Yuuin raised his eyes toward the sky and smiled to feel the sun basking him with warmth, chasing away the crisp cold of night. “I suppose it is hard to explain when it comes to females…but if their hearts are light…the rest of the room with shine…but if they are having a terrible day, the whole world will end.”

Saei hid a small smile at the joke before allowing the flower to rest on its own.

“I do not know the words on how to describe it…but…whenever Fey wasn’t visiting, it felt…as if I was not complete. I would be anxious, always needing to find something to occupy my time…like I was broken and needed to fill my mind with either fighting…reading…studying…” Saei slowly turned to face the king to see him watching.

“But when she did return, it seemed I was whole once more. I could get through my days just lounging and the feelings of anxiety would be gone. Call it what you will…but even now…it persists. We will never see eye to eye…you and I,” he said to him and took a step forward to stand before him. “But despite what I am, I’d rather end my own life before my desires come out to harm Fey.”

The serpent swayed his tail slowly, mulling over the words he had just heard and after a minute of holding the dragon’s gaze, Yuuin sighed with his eyes lowering.

“I have prepared a small meal for you and your companions before we make our way back to the tyeirk farm to retrieve your supplies. I also made sure to add more supplies for your journey such as blankets, medical supplies, and a few dried foods that won’t spoil so quickly.”

“I appreciate the hospitality,” Saei bowed his head to him out of respect.

“We at least agree on one thing,” Yuuin smiled and motioned back to the palace with a sweep of his hand. “Go ahead and eat. I’m sure the rest will be guided to the dinner hall shortly to join you. Once done, my guards will escort you to the front where our steeds are waiting.”

Bowing his head once more in gratitude, Saei was about to head inside but spotted the walking stick still laying by itself where it had been knocked away. Though he didn’t need it anymore, it was still a gift…and did help him get back. If it wasn’t for the nuisance that was Bangi…he’d still be crawling back. He stepped over to pick it up, placing it on his side with his sword and walked back into the palace.

Finally, they could begin once more…but there was still some issues that he knew would be making themselves known shortly…

He could only hope that his morning wouldn’t be plagued by such problems.

Rounding the first corner, he slowly made his way down the hall with his long tail dragging behind him and it felt…odd…to be putting more weight onto his knee now. He still was in the habit of keeping most of his weight off it but he needed to get used to it once more. Practicing more would do the trick but he felt his stomach tighten when he smelled freshly made goods coming from just up ahead.

For now, the first order of business was to eat.

He passed through the archway that led into the dining room and felt his heart do somewhat of a backflip when he spotted the young mender already at the table eating her fill. Her back was to him but he could tell just be her body posture that she was in good spirits this morning as she reached for another roll and took a bite out of it, moaning in delight.

Saei smiled softly and made sure his steps were quiet, almost non-existent as he closed the distance between himself and Fey. She tilted her head back, gulping down some freshly squeezed juice but when she placed the cup down with a content sigh, Saei placed his hands over her eyes. She gasped at first before growling.

“I swear to the gods, Sid, you’re going to make my threats come true one day,” she grumbled but Saei just shook his head with a wider smile and bent down from his tall height to place a tender kiss to the top of her head.

“And do these threats apply to me?” He whispered and sensed her tensing up. When he removed his hands, she spun around on her chair with a dark red face to see the culprit.


“And a good morning to you as well,” he lightly teased and took a seat beside her, finding slight enjoyment to see her unable to talk as he grabbed a small plate of food for himself.

Fey calmed down her breathing, though her heart wasn’t about to stop anytime soon, and she could still feel the heat in her face when the letter from this morning resurfaced in her mind along with the words that had caused her to be so nervous now.

“G-good morning,” she managed to finally say and turned her eyes back onto her plate but could see out of the corner of her eye Saei beginning to eat from his own. There was soft bread, baked fresh that morning, that was still warm from the oven. Fruit and vegetables with different types of cheeses as well as meat, seasoned to perfection.

“H-how did you sleep?’ She asked, not liking the silence and took another small bite from her own bread. She heard Saei placing down a cup beside her after having swallowed his bite.

“Pleasant. Yourself?”

“G-good,” she answered and ignored the dream she had. It was tucked away and would stay like that for as long as she was able to contain it.

“I spoke with his highness this morning,” Saei kept the conversation going before taking another small sip from his cup.

“…you two didn’t fight, did you?” Fey turned to face him with a worried frown, her nerves falling to the side as Saei glanced down at her.

“No. He spoke merely on how he has prepared some supplies for us and will guide us back to the farm once we are ready to continue on.”

“That’s a relief,” she sighed. “I didn’t want you two to get into another argument. How is your leg by the way?” She asked and looked down a bit…to see that…the cane was at his side like a second sword…and his broken knee was actually bent. How could it…?

Saei moved back from the table a bit and touched his left knee.

“If I am to protect you, I’ll need to be at my best…so the king said. I didn’t argue with him and he graciously gave me back my ability to properly walk.”

The mender’s eyes widened in amazement. For Yuuin to put aside his hate just to help Saei…? She knew without a doubt that it was mostly for her own well-being…but…it was still amazing!

A bright smile crossed her lips that made even her eyes shine.

“I’m glad! It doesn’t hurt, right? Is it fully healed?”

“No and yes to your questions,” he chuckled. “I haven’t been able to walk properly since I was a boy.”

“You must be really excited then.”

“I am anxious to be traveling again, yes so make sure you eat your fill. It will be sometime before we possibly stop,” he smiled down at her before going back to his own meal. The soft blush remained on her face as she bit into a small piece of fruit and felt her heart shudder at still thinking on his words in the letter. Swallowing, Fey peeked up at Saei to see him tearing off a piece of the meat with his sharp fangs.

“U-umm, Saei?”


“I…a-about…that letter you left…”

He was about to reach for something else but his hand stopped at her words and he slowly turned his eyes down onto her. Her white eyes reflected nervousness, a bit of uncertainty but there was a gentle light that he knew what it stood for.

“What about my letter…?” He whispered and behind him, his tail swayed behind the chair legs until it seemed to find hers mischievously and wrapped around it. Her ears stood straight up timidly and glared down playfully at the appendage that seemed to be finding her tail as a cuddle partner lately.

“I…I j-just…” She couldn’t find the right words to say, even though she had thought about it since she had woken up and even while she ate before he showed…but now everything was blank. She chewed on her lower lip, at a loss but felt her breath being stolen when one of his claws pulled her face back to stare up at him.

“…you just…?”

Her eyes couldn’t leave his…and it seemed just the mere touch made her so powerless. Her small hands fisted into her gown and urged her mind to speak up…

“Good morning everyone!” Shouted a rather obnoxious voice and soon as they both heard it, they pulled away from the other and Saei released her tail to stuff his under his chair like a kicked mutt but he bit his tongue so hard to hide his growl when Sid came around the corner with a wide smile.

Fey let out a shaky breath at being released from Saei’s spell…and looked up at the hare with a gentle smile.

“Good morning, Sid. You’re cheery this morning.”

“I’m always cheery when I get to see your beautiful face,” he teased and took a seat beside her but didn’t catch Saei’s claws turning into fists.

“Teasing? So early? Can’t you wait until…I don’t know…never!” Fey huffed at him and went back to eating but Sid leaned his chin on his hand with a knowing smile.

“Oh my, someone is flustered this morning. Your face is bright red,” he noted and she only seemed to grow more nervous at him catching on. His long ears twitched with a knowing look. “Someone must had slept well.” Fey sent him a look that guaranteed his death and Saei closed his eyes to only imagine a roasting hare on a silver platter.

“Anyway, back onto serious matters,” Sid smiled, letting her off the hook for now and plucked up a small fruit from her plate to munch on it. “You ready to get going today?”

“Am I ever? It feels like I’m used to traveling and sitting still is bad.”

“You sure you want to settle down then?” He chuckled. “You might arrive and find it too bland and want to travel for the rest of your life.”

“I highly doubt it,” she giggled but Sid glanced over at Saei who seemed to be ignoring him completely.

“Good morning, Mr. Broody. You sleep well?” He asked but Saei didn’t even bother to look at him as he tore into more meat. “Hmmm…touchy. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“I t-think we’re just anxious to leave,” Fey told him to hopefully draw the attention away since Sid DID know what was going on between them but the hare shrugged and started to pile his plate up.

“If you say so, sweetheart,” he said and started to sample his own meal. Fey sighed mentally, thanking the gods that Sid dropped the conversation and didn’t say anything as a joke that could possibly anger Saei.

 She knew Sid wouldn’t last if that was the case but she frowned at not seeing Basil. Was…he not coming? Didn’t Sid and Basil share a room?

“…hey, Sid, where’s Basil?”

At hearing his brother’s name, Saei opened his eyes to listen on while finishing up his plate. Sid shrugged while licking some juice from his lips.

“Left before I woke so not sure. Why?”

“…just…wondering. Maybe I should go looking for him…”

“There’s no need for that.” The voice obviously didn’t belong to her…or anyone at the table. Fey looked over her shoulder with a bit of concern to see her friend standing there by the opening of the dining room, looking ready to depart with his usual choice of clothing. His vest was open to show his chest, only being held together by strings and tight pants with high boots. Basil glanced at her for a moment since they hadn’t spoken since the prior day when he confessed his attack on Saei...but the feline turned his gaze onto Saei who didn’t even seem to acknowledge him yet.

“…Saei…I need to talk with you…” Basil firmly stated and a massive weight of tension fell onto all the occupants in the room. Fey bit on her lower lip, feeling the worry growing steadily within her heart when she turned her eyes to Saei to see his reaction. The dragon took one last sip of his drink before scooting away from the table. Was...this going to turn into a fight? She prayed it wouldn’t.

Saei slowly stood but it showed in his eyes he was conflicted. He could either walk away, giving Basil his back and shunning him…or he could hear what he had to say.

‘…please make up you two…’ She pleaded and watched as Saei deeply exhaled, sweeping back his long locks as he moved around his chair…to face Basil. Fey glanced down at his leg for a moment…to see him standing proudly on it…and even Sid took notice of the walking stick at his side.

Basil’s eyes saw how his foot now balanced out his weight…and frowned before motioning with his head for him to follow. The young brother disappeared out of the room and Saei slowly followed.

“Well…” Sid waited until they were alone to speak. “…either this can go really good…or really bad…”

“…I hope really good…” Fey frowned, wanting to follow but knew this wasn’t her place to meddle with their affairs.



They needed somewhere private to talk…away from prying ears…

Basil turned the corner of the hall, watching as a few maids passed by but didn’t give them a single glance. His keen hearing still heard his brother following though a bit behind in step but this had to be done…before they could continue. If he ignored it and traveled alongside everyone without speaking up, he wouldn’t be able to deal with everything on his chest.

Traveling down a few steps, Basil tried to find anywhere where they could talk…

He didn’t have a place in mind…since he didn’t know the palace well…but he stopped when he saw the open doors to the training room. Weapons lined the walls of all kinds as well as targets for archery and even dummies for more closer combat.

“…this will do,” he whispered and walked in. His feet carried him over to the middle of the floor and spun around to face his brother who came to a stop as well with his face being stoic.

It was clear…he still held anger…there was no doubt about that…but Basil sighed heavily and looked over to the weapons.

“…reminds me of home…just a bit. I remember we used to train hard until we could barely breathe. You always chose a sword…well…father thought you’d do well with it. The one time you put a nasty knot on the back of my head with your practice swo-“

“Speak or I will leave,” Saei interrupted, folding his arms across his broad chest. Basil felt the stab of pain from his voice piercing his very soul. His brother was truly angry…

“…alright…” He whispered and Basil walked over to the weapons with Saei watching him curiously but the feline removed a blunt sword from the wall before coming back to him. He swung the sword a bit carelessly since he wasn’t used to a weapon and held the hilt out toward his kin with the blade digging into his palm. A few drops of blood fell…but Saei glanced down at the sword and then his brother in question.

“…I hurt you…not just once…but twice now…back when we were kids…and now as adults. I thought it over all last night. I thought over Fey’s words. Even though…this is mainly about her…she said…she came to terms with it. At the time, I didn’t understand,” Basil frowned and felt the sting in his hand growing.

“But I thought…and thought…and I’ll admit…I was scared to lose Fey…even to my own brother. You told me you were something that can kill her…at the time, I lost it and couldn’t see clearly. If you truly wanted to, you would…but we grew up together so how could you? So…because I hurt you…I want to be reprimanded…” He inched the sword closer.

Saei’s eyes narrowed slightly but still didn’t speak.

“…we’re going to travel together…and it’s still a long way. I don’t want Fey to feel worried about us. She’s under enough stress…and…after what you told me…about her…you know…not having much time left…I want her to enjoy the time she has and not seeing us at each other’s throat. I was in the wrong…I’m sorry…” His red eyes shone with remorse. “…please…”

Saei moved his eyes off his brother and back onto the sword before he reached forth to take the hilt. Basil released the blade with a nervous smile.

“…anywhere is fine…my own knee…or maybe my wrist? Those are my weapons afterall…so…y-yeah…” Basil deeply exhaled, watching as his brother masterfully swung the sword in a circle at his side before closing his eyes a bit fearfully. If this would help ease what he had done…then so be it. He still meant what he said…deep down…

‘…I want my brother back…’ He gulped and waited for whatever blow Saei had in mind…

Nothing came…

Seconds ticked by…

Not even a sound…

Was he dragging this out for emphasis?

Basil felt his heart racing with anticipation and he felt sweat mingling with the small cut on his palm but he heard a clang nearby.

He opened his eyes to see what was going on…and saw Saei still standing before him but the sword laid on the floor beside them.

“…b-but…” Basil looked to the sword and then to his brother…and saw Saei exhaling with closed eyes.

“I am angry…was…still am…and always will be. Nothing will change that…” He told him, opening his eyes to look down at him from his taller height. “…you injured me physically…all because I told you the truth which…also was an emotional blow.”

Basil frowned softly at his words, his tail tucking between his legs.

“…but whenever I feel angry at you…for something stupid you have done…all I can think of…are the times long ago…”

“W-what do you mean?” Basil asked.

“You wouldn’t remember. You were just an infant,” Saei slightly turned away from him with a fond smile. “…I was older than you…and when you were still a toddler…you’d cry when you couldn’t sleep…or when you’d accidentally fall when learning how to walk…you were such a crybaby…but I’d always pick you up…and you’d stop,” Saei snapped his fingers. “…just like that. Father’s servants couldn’t stop you…or the guards…only I could,” Saei looked over at him to see Basil frowning a bit more and sheepishly looking elsewhere.

“You may anger me…upset me…hurt me…but deep down…you’re still my baby brother. You just have to learn not to be stupid,” Saei placed a hand on his hip and watched as Basil let out a shaky exhale to look up at him.

“…you…m-mean that…?”

“I wouldn’t be lying to you…”

“…how do I know?! You could be wanting me to drop my guard and then attack me!” Basil pointed an accusing finger at him but Saei huffed.

“…you truly are an idiot,” he muttered under his breath but felt himself tense up a bit when Basil lowered his hand and took a cautious step forward. His eyes were lowered but Saei remained still…

When Basil was close enough, he leaned his forehead against his brother’s shoulder.

“…I’m sorry…” He whispered and the brothers remained unmoving for only a second before Saei plopped his claws onto the feline’s head.

“We’re still blood…doesn’t matter what happens. You can’t kill me so easily,” Saei removed his hand and took a step back as did Basil who rubbed under his eye to stop himself from getting too emotional but smirked with his fangs showing.

“Really? You think I can’t handle you?”

“I know you can’t handle me,” Saei smirked back and made his way back to the entryway of the training room with Basil coming up beside him.

“Fine! I say we have a match next time we make camp. Just you and me! I’m going to pummel you!”

“A foolish man boasts his skills. A wise one proves his skills.”

“Who came up with that?”


“You’re just all talk!” Basil chuckled and slammed his fist into his open palm. “I can’t wait to face you again.”

“It’ll have to wait,” Saei rolled his eyes in annoyance. “It’s time for us to leave.”

“Oh yeah! We’re heading back onto the trail! I can’t wait!” Basil excitedly exclaimed, annoying everyone nearby who was working under Yuuin and darted back down the hall toward the dining hall. Saei shook his head at the boyish behavior and took his time to follow.

When Basil rounded the corner and entered the hall itself, Fey and Sid had finished eating and waited patiently for them to return but they didn’t expect to see their return…so soon. Fey quickly looked over her friend and sighed with a smile to see that he seemed okay…and the smile on his face only said good things happened between them. It was none of her business…but she was glad that they could all be together again like an odd family.

“You’re terribly happy…and loud,” Sid teased as Basil came over to join them but he eyed the uneaten food on the table.

“Did you guys already eat?!”

“Yep,” Fey smiled happily with her tail swaying just as Saei entered the room to see all the commotion. “We’re all stuffed and ready to get going.”

“I haven’t eaten yet! Can you wait?” Basil begged, looking like a starving animal.

“I think we should let you starve. It was your own fault,” Sid rubbed the sides of his head but saw Basil looking to Fey for her permission since…she was technically the leader of their group.

“Please, Fey! I’m so hungry! I can feel my bones!”

“Fine, fine. Hurry up but don’t choke,” she giggled when Basil smiled wide and didn’t even bother to sit as he started to swallow whole pieces of fruit.

“…such a glutton,” Saei muttered under his breath and came over to them to stand. “He can meet up with us out front…I am certain Yuuin has been patiently waiting.”

“True,” Fey smiled and looked to Sid. “Everything ready to go?”

“Yep. I got all of my things…or whatever we had with us before you were snatched up. Mental note, stay with us at all times so that this doesn’t happen again,” Sid teased but spotted the look Saei gave him which…wasn’t a good one. “Oh, don’t tell me you approve of her still sleeping alone,” Sid placed his hands on his hips with a knowing look but Saei felt a vein in his forehead throbbing.

“…Sid…you might want to go ahead and leave,” Fey warned with a nervous smile but the hare laughed softly and waved his hand as he left them alone to begin heading out to the front to meet up with the king.

“…one day he will regret talking…” Saei threatened under his breath and went to follow him but stiffened when he felt a piece of paper pressed into his hand. His claws curled around it to keep it safe but spotted Fey moving around him with a nervous blush on her face to head after Sid herself.

With Basil still near, though he was focused on stuffing his face, he felt unsafe looking at it here. Saei glanced down at his brother while keeping it hidden behind his back and in his hand.

“Don’t choke. We will meet you out front once you are ready,” he informed him and left the dining hall, only getting a muffled reply. With Sid and Fey ahead of him enough to give him privacy, Saei brought around the piece of paper…to see that it was a small folded letter…. resembling the one he had left her. With a raised eyebrow, he gingerly opened it to see her handwriting…

Thank you for the kind words of your letter. I’m glad you’re feeling better this morning and that I didn’t possibly roll over onto your leg in the middle of the night. I’d feel terrible if I did but I’ll have to admit as well that I really did enjoy sleeping so peacefully. I didn’t wake up once! Can you believe that?’

Saei softly smiled at how even within her writing, she came across as adorable but his eyes kept reading as his strides slowed down.

‘Thank you for protecting me so far. This journey is already long and has been dangerous and will probably get worse but I know with everyone beside me, including you, that it will turn out for the best. I can’t wait to see my home again! It’s going to be fun so let’s make this journey something to remember. -Fey

P.S. I really liked the flower but that was technically stealing so no more of that.’

The dragon chuckled at her attempt to chastise him and went to fold the letter back up but his eyes noticed more writing…where his was. It was mimicking his letter and he turned it a bit to read…but when he did, his feet came to a stop in the middle of the hall.

‘I love you, my drysiohn.’

Was…he reading it correctly? He held the letter with one hand as he felt his chest with the other and knew his heart was working overtime at reading the confession. He knew how she felt…how they both felt since Treaish…but with everything happening…it was hard to sit down and focus on what they truly wanted to say. He reread the words once…twice…ten times…and smiled sweetly. Saei folded the letter and slipped it into the pocket of his pants before continuing his on way out of the palace. When he finally exited, the sun’s light felt nice on his skin as he looked around to see Yuuin was patiently waiting on the back of his own rashein with a mounted guard beside him and Sid and Fey were also saddled up on rasheins. Two more waited for him and his brother.

“Is he still eating?” Sid asked, gripping his reins and wanting to move on but Saei nodded with a soft smile, unable to hide his own content as he easily mounted one of the steeds provided for him.

“We will leave as soon as the last of your group arrives,” Yuuin told them and moved his rashein a bit to come up to where Fey was waiting. She was making sure she had everything, especially her uiorl which stuck out from her bags that Yuuin prepared for her.

“Are you certain…this is what you wish for?” He asked her gently, gaining her attention but she smiled up at him.

“Yes, your highness. I’m really grateful for what you’ve done for us…for me…but I can’t just stop here. I hope you understand.”

Yuuin sighed with a sweet smile of his own.

“…you’re strong. Remain so and you’ll certainly reach your destination. If you should ever need a place to call your own, my doors are always open to you.”

“Thank you,” she bowed her head to him out of respect but all eyes turned to the front of the palace to hear panting.

“I’m here! I’m here!” Basil staggered out while holding his stomach.

“You overate, didn’t you?” Sid asked and watched as the cat did his best to climb onto the saddle of his provided steed but the elk didn’t seem too pleased to be dealing with him, especially when he accidentally pulled on the reins on his way up.

“Who knows when our next good meal will be?”

“I made sure to supply some for your travels. It will only last a few days,” Yuuin warned and grabbed his reins to move his rashein out to the front. “Is everyone prepared?”

“I have been. Goodness, I want to be back on the plains or at least at a bar,” Sid moved his elk forward to walk up beside Yuuin with the guard following behind.

“…guess we’re starting again…” Basil smiled, looking over to Fey. “…so, your journey begins again,” he told her, kicking the sides of his own steed to catch up and Fey smiled, motioning hers to follow the males but noticed Saei riding up beside her. The others were ahead which gave them a bit of privacy but Fey could only guess…that Saei had read the letter by now. She didn’t know what to say either…just like he had with his but she blushed lightly when he reached over to place his hand over hers on her reins. She shyly looked up at him to see him smiling down at her.

“Let’s take you home,” he whispered, making her heart flutter for a moment but she returned his smile and felt her hand turning to circle her claws around his.

“Sounds like a lovely plan to me.”

© 2017 Jensen Roman

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Added on September 1, 2017
Last Updated on September 3, 2017
Tags: journey, adventure, romance, violence

Journey of the Mender


Jensen Roman
Jensen Roman

Buford, GA

Hello! I am a 30 yr. old woman who is compassionate for writing, being imaginative and creating my own world. more..
