Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

New powers, Seth harassment, stalkers, burning cars...God, Alice needs help.

It was around eleven, and the gang was lounging about in Bree's room. They were all terribly bored; that's the other reason why they came over to her room in the first place. So, to entertain themselves, they all resorted to playing Rock Band. Bree and Skyla were currently sitting out, so the blond was attempting to do something with her friend's long hair.

“Okay! I'm done the door!” Damien announced. “...Can I come in now?”

“...Whatever,” Bree said, sounding as if she couldn't care less.

“...Are we ever allowed to leave here?” she asked, resting her cheek on a fist.

“'Course we are. They made it a rule we weren't once, though. It only lasted for about...A week? Maybe two? I forget,” Skyla replied, continuing to brush through the raven black hair.

“They probably would have kept it, to, if it hadn't been for us,” Alice laughed, eyes still glued to the long string of notes for the drums. “We snuck out every night. When someone tried to stop us, we would get psychic boy over there to hypnotize them or erase their memory.”

“F**k!” Seth shouted quite loudly, jumping out of the new leather couch. “Alice, you so cheated!”

“How did I cheat?” the pyromaniac asked, smirking.

“I don't know!” he said, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “But you did. You beat me five times in a row...” the boy groaned and put his face in his hands.

Alice just laughed and joined Skyla and Bree on the bed. Damien went over and took over the drums.

“Hm...Pigtails would look cute, don'tcha think, Alice?” the blond asked.

“Totally adorable!” she agreed, nodding her head.

“Are you serious?” Bree whined. “I'm gonna look like I'm ten years old or something.”

“No you won't...All ten year olds I know don't have a chest,” Skyla informed her, rolling her eyes.

“Please. I barely fit into a B-Cup.”

"You have nothing to complain about. You're not the one in an A-Cup. And besides, you were saying a few weeks ago how you were outgrowing your favorite bra.” Skyla scoffed.

“Male species in the room! Seriously!” Seth groaned. “I don't wanna hear you guys talking about bra sizes...Its just not right.”

“Its my room, I'll talk about bras if I want to.” Bree snapped.

“So, pigtails it is! Case closed.” Alice declared, crossing her arms.

The next song was halfway over when Alice suddenly yelled,”Mall!”

“What?” the guys asked, gazes not leaving the TV.

“She needs more clothes!” she declared, pointing to Bree, while the brunette just sat there clueless.

“I care why?” Seth drawled.

“Because your driving us and carrying our bags,” the silver eyed girl growled.

“Why on Earth would I ever---” Alice cut Seth off.

“Ya want me to burn all of your CDs again like last time? Huh? Because, so Help me God, I can and will do it. I Have all the means necessary, and won't hesitate.”

Seth looked at the crimson haired girl in pure horror and disbelief.

“Alice, please, not again! Anything but that! It took forever to restore my collection!” he pleaded, mouth agape.

“Then bring the car around, Slave,” Alice ordered, smirking.

Seth glared at the girl, and, quite reluctantly, left the room.

“Make sure you get the convertible,” she called after him.

Alice turned around to face Roxas.

“You want anything while we're out?” she asked.

“Pocky,” he stated simply.


Skyla hurried over to Damien and wrapped her arms around his neck. She gave him a peck on the lips, and kissed his cheek before Bree made annoyed coughing noises. Blushing, and letting out a little giggle, she went over to Bree's side.

“We'll be back around dinner. See ya later!” the blond called over her shoulder.

With that said, the girls left the room and went out front to wait for Seth.

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It occurred to Bree that she never really saw the front of the estate before.

A long driveway, that ended with an insanely decorative arch, gate thinggy, a lake or pool or pond or...Whatever it was, and an entire forest surrounded the property.

“There's pretty boy!” Alice called.

She ran over to the still moving car and hopping in the back. Over the door.

...Jesus, that child had issues.

Skyla, being more normal, waited for the car to stop before actually getting in...Although she jumped in as well.

“C'mon Breezy!” her blond best friend called. “Stop daydreaming!”

“I'm going! I'm going!”

The brunette jogged over to the car, before jumping on the door, and plopping down into the passenger's seat.

“...None of you can be normal, can you?”

“Nope!” the three said in unison.

“Well, let the Hell begin.”

“Wait!” Alice shouted.

“What now?” Seth grumbled.




The four looked at Bree's puzzled face.

“What?” she repeated.

“They need to come to.”


“They just do,” Skyla said.

“Well, go get 'em.,” Seth sighed.


The fox appeared in the pyro's lap out of no where. No, really. They Guardian just...Materialized.

It was scary crazy creepy weird.

“Adalia...Come here sweetie.”

Again, the animal just materialized.

Beelzebub just appeared by Bree's feet, and Desdemona jumped into the car onto Bree's lap.

“...Can we go now?” Seth asked.



Bree just sat there, mouth gaping at all of their Guardians.

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

“Why do you need more clothes anyway?” Seth questioned, looking over at Bree in the passenger's seat.

“...You know that bonfire outside your window last night?” Alice asked blankly.

“...Yeah,” he replied slowly, not liking where the conversation was going.

“There wasn't anymore fire wood, and her clothes seemed like a good way to keep the fire going at the time,” Alice finished bluntly.



“Shouldn't have even asked...” Seth muttered under his breath after a moment of silence.

“So, how are we gonna go about buying an entire new wardrobe?” Bree asked, after an awkward silence.

“Well...I guess we're gonna have to hit Hot Topic...Criminal Damage...” Skyla started, looking over at Alice for assistance.

“Hitting Darkside or Soho's couldn't do any harm, either.”

“I kinda need to hit the book store to,” Bree stated. “I have almost zero books, and its killing me.”

“What about me? If I have to carry everything, isn't it the least you guys could do to let me go to the music store?” Seth remarked.

“Nobody asked you, man servant,” the raven haired girl said in monotone.

“I'm a what?”

“You heard me.”

“I'm not a slave.”

“You are today.”

“The Hell I am.”

“I will burn all of your CDs. And Alice will gladly help me.”

“...I hate my life.”

“I enjoy making your life miserable.”

The rest of the ride to the mall had been in an awkward silence...For Seth, that is.

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

“...Think that car looks fairly new?”

“...Yeah. I guess.”

Seth looked at Alice skeptically. He was kinda scared to see where this was going.

“...Imma kill it!” the girl yelled suddenly, pulling out a baseball bat from their car.

“Where'd the bat come from?!”

With that, Alice proceeded to “kill” the car. Again and again she brought the bat down, breaking the windows and denting the car. After slashing the tires of the vehicle with her fox claws, she stood back to survey her work.

“...What...Have you...Done?” Seth chocked out.

Holy s**t, the repairs were going to cost hundreds! ...It was so damaged, it would probably cost less to just buy a new one, instead of paying for repairs.

“Its okay!” Alice grinned. “I got it aaall covered.”

“How is this okay?!” he yelled.

“Like a good neighbor, StateFarm is there!” she sang.

“Alice! That doesn't work! We have AllState!” Skyla wailed.


“Nice, Alice. Nice,” Bree laughed.

“How can you be laughing at a time like this?” Skyla glared at her best friend.

“...Run,” Alice and Bree said, after exchanging a look.

The two girls took off away from the now burning car, and raced towards the mall. After a few more seconds at checking out the damage, Skyla and Seth followed close to their heels.

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“Jesus...Is every single person that walks by here staring at us? Or is it just me?”

“Nope...People are staring,” Skyla replied, absently sipping on her vanilla latte.

The group was sitting outside of Starbucks, having found a table off to the side, out of the way of everything.

“You really shouldn't be surprised, Breezy,” Alice commented, munching on her giant cookie like a gerbil.

And she shouldn't be. Normal people didn't bring pets to the mall. Normal people didn't have a fox as a pet, or a cat with two tails. Normal people didn't basically let their animals run wild. But, then again, they were anything but normal.

“...But still. It is annoying.”


“...Are you quite done yet? I wanna go home,” Seth complained.

“Did I tell you I was done my iced mocha latte?”




“Get over it...And what are you doing with Desdemona?”

The kitty was curled up in Seth's lap, purring quietly. “Petting her,” he replied, scratching her ears.

“...Traitor.” Bree glared at her Guardian, while she, in turn, looked at her and purred louder.

“How is she a traitor? All I'm going is petting her.”


“...No comment? That's a shock.”

“Shut up!”

Amused by the two teen's bickering, Desdemona stood up and jumped on the table. She trotted over to the raven haired girl and plopped into her lap. She put her paws on her collar bone, and stretched on her hind legs to nuzzle her neck.

“I better be your favorite,” Bree muttered, smile on her face. The cat just purred loudly.

“...Can we go now?”

“Sure...Whatever. Ready guys?”

“I guess.”


“Lead the way Sky. Alice.”

·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙˜”*°•.XxX.•°*”˜˙·٠•-♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥-•٠·˙

Seth had never thought that girls could buy that much clothes.

There was a pattern. Find a skirt and or cute top. Squee about it. Try it on, regardless of the price. And then decide that it wasn't worth it or it wouldn't go with any of her shoes.


But, what scared him, was that the sales clerk just rung it all up without even batting an eye, like it was normal to buy a pile of clothes so high, it went over his head. And he wasn't exaggerating...For once.

Alice, Skyla, and Bree had finally allowed him a break. When they were done with Criminal Damage, Hot Topic, and all of the other goddamned clothes stores.

The three girls were currently trying to work out the rest of their day's schedule.

“Well, I need to get some more books...And some CDs.” Bree said.

“Seth can go help you then. Sky and I are gonna go hit H-Mart and get Roxas' Pocky, and some other stuff.”

“...Um...Define 'stuff',” Bree drawled cautiously.

“...I need more fire starters.”

“...I shouldn't have asked.”

“...Well...Anyway...Here's the Council's credit card. Spend whatever you want.” Skyla said quickly, eliminating the awkward silence.

“Oh...Mmkay. That works out then,” Bree stated, recovering from her disturbed moment.

“So...How 'bout we meet at the food court around...Lets say...Three or so? Its, like, one o'clock now, so that should give us enough time, right?” Skyla said.

“Definitely. So...See ya guys later.”

“Bye Breezy!”


The three girls hugged, and Seth watched Alice and Skyla walk away, the blond pausing after a few steps to turn around and wave. Alice just sighed, laughed, and dragged Skyla away, holding up a hand 'bye'.

Chuckling a little, Bree shook her head and walked over to where Seth was sitting. Grabbing a couple of the bags, the brunette stalked off in the opposite direction of her friends with her head held high. After a few steps, Bree stopped.

“You coming?” she called over her shoulder.

The boy smiled and laughed under his breath. Standing up, he picked up the rest of the clothes. “Where are you going?”

“The music store, duh.”

“...You were serious?”


“ Oh...Well...Its this way genius.”

“...” Bree's eyes grew wide with embarrassment, and a light blush grew upon her cheeks. “I knew that,” she muttered, stalking off in the other direction, head down.

Sure you did.”

Shut up!”

Nah. I enjoy speaking,” he smirked.

“...I detest you.”

Seth could only laugh in response.

Sure you do, Bree-Bunny. Sure you do.

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“Kinda ironic.”

“Yeah, I guess...Well? Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there?”

“Coming, coming.”

Bree pulled her eyes away from the front of the store and followed Seth inside.

The music store was called Hell's Records. Weird right? There was also an black, metal archway, surrounded by lit up flames or something.

“What kind of music do you prefer?” Seth asked, stopping in the middle of the store.

“Um...Alternative, punk, rock...That includes punk rock, alternative rock...All that jazz...Don't get me started on how much I hate country or that pop crap. R&B is f*****g annoying. I can't stand rap, unless it's Eminem, on occasion.” Bree nodded, sure she had gotten everything.

“At least you got good taste in music...More or less. Screamo?” Seth walked to the back of the store off to the left.

Love!” Bree squeed. “Skillet?”

“Hell yes. It makes me depressed when people think I'm talking about the kitchen utensil.”

“I feel your pain...I don't hate you anymore.”

“You might not be all that annoying to hang around.”

“I'm in a sortta kinda good mood right now, so I'm gonna let that slide...And, by the way, just for the record...Just because I don't hate you doesn't mean I like you either.”

“I can live with that.”

"And I'm still mad at you for earlier."

"Again. Understandable..."

“Good...Now, where's the good music?”

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“Ever heard of Breaking Benjamin?”




Seth placed the headphones over Bree's ears and rested one hand on his knee, which was about chin level, and the other on his stretched out leg. He watched the girl sway to Diary of Jane, which was blasting from the headphones insanely loudly.

Seth made a mental note that Bree could deal with crazy loud volumes of music.

She pressed the headphones to her ears and spoke softly. “I want it.”

Seth turned the CD off, and Bree let the headphones slide down her neck.



“Thousand Foot Krutch?”

“Great band.”


They had been doing this for a while now. Seth'd name an artist. They'd listen to a song. Every time, she'd love it.

It was strange how he seemed to know exactly what she likes or would like. But...At the same time, it was nice to know someone understood her...Well. At least understood her music tastes.

Bree couldn't exactly share her tastes with Skyla. She enjoyed pop music. And occasionally alternative. Occasionally.

“I'm gonna go grab your Hey Monday CD's, then we can go, if you got everything. Okay? I'll be back in a few.”

“Mmm...Wait, what? Oh...Sure.”

After giving Bree a look under his skeptical gaze, he shrugged it off and walked off to find the CD.

The brunette watched him walk away for a minute, and then realized what she was doing. She shook her head furiously, and groaned. “Ugh...Stupid. Stupid, stupid stupid!”

After taking a deep, calming breath, she started to look for another CD.


Bree continued to paw through the massive amounts of CDs, searching for the one she wanted.

After a minute or so of looking, she felt some fingers running through one of her pigtails.

“I know you're there Seth. You can stop now. You playing with my hair is weird,” Bree said absently, raising a hand to bat away his.

Aw...But it's fun.”

At the sound of the voice, Bree felt her blood run cold. That. Wasn't. Seth.

She jolted upward and spun around to face him. Automatically, her hand raised, and Bree slapped him hard across the face. The sound of flesh on flesh was audible, and a red hand print was visible on his cheek.

She pulled her hand back to her chest, and held it in her other hand.

Goddamn...That hurt like a b***h...

Bree took a minute to size up the...Um...Rapist...Stalker... Pedophile...Thing, person...Whatever. It didn't really matter at the moment to her.

What the f**k was that for a*s wipe?”

She took a minute to size him up. He looked about six foot...So maybe a little taller then Seth. He had short, dark brown hair, and muddy brown eyes.

You little b***h,” said.

Ya know what? He can be called a stalker...Yeah. Lets go with that.

The stalker spoke after a moment off shock at what the five foot eight girl just did.

“Do I look like a dog? You need your eyes checked?”

Bree loved being a smart a*s. It was just so fun.

The stalker turned red with anger, and raised a fist as if to punch her. But Bree didn't flinch, didn't move. All she did was stand there and smirk.

Shockingly, she could hear Seth's light footsteps. He would be there in three...Two...One---

What do you think you're doing?” Seth snarled, stepping in front of Bree.

“What's it look like? I was gonna hit that uptight b***h.”

“...Don't. Even. Go there.”

“Why? She your girl or something?”

Yeah. Mess with her, mess with me. Now, you got a problem with her?” Seth stepped back to wrap an arm around her slender waist.

Any other time, Bree would have flipped out right there...But what happened next made her forget about Seth's outrageous behavior.

From what Bree could see, hand prints, or the dent where they would be, were on Senor Stalker's neck. His hands shot straight for his throat, and made choking noise.

She didn't laugh like she normally would have in this kind of situation, but looked curiously from Stalker to Seth.

Seth's eyes swirled purple just like...Beelzebub's. Just like his Guardian's eyes had when he had kidnapped her.

Oh God...He was doing this!

“Seth. Stop. NOW.” Bree said sternly, moving to step in front of him, and out of his arms.

Purple eyes still in a glare, they switched targets from the choking stalker, to her.

Bree's eyes widened as she felt her throat close, preventing her from breathing.

A few seconds later, the boy blinked a few times, the purple in his eyes clearing.

Bree could feel air returning to her lungs as she took a gasping breath.

What...Just happened?” Seth asked.


"Nothing. let's just go, okay?"

She looked away from him to the CD racks, and found her Paramore CD.

“I...Um...I got my last CD...We can go now,” she said quickly, heading for the front of the store, leaving Seth behind with the remaining pile of CDs. “Hurry up.”

“...What did I do?” Seth asked to himself, watching Bree walk away, pigtails streaming behind her.

© 2012 Rayne~Drop.

Author's Note

I'm done. After Hades knows how many months. XD ...This really wasn't all I wanted it to be, but, whatever. I'll just get to the other shit later. XD So...Yeah.


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ohdeargod. seth, where art thou? have you given into the abyss of darkness that relentlessly calls your name and offers you cookies and mil-- *is shot*

*from the operating table* THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Paramore|Breaking Benjamin|Thousand Foot Krutch = AMAZING BANDS.




Posted 12 Years Ago

f**k i didn't review soon enough! Dx


...I... I just fell out of my chair. The StateFarm-AllState thing? LMFAO. I agree with cheezit, that made me LAUGH SO F*****G HARD that I DIED and FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR and... yeah. Again, I hope you're happy, b***h. 00, ...what the f**k? I tried to type "-.-" and it didn't work out so well. xD

so, YEAH. This was f*****g funny. Enough said. My fingers hurt. 8D

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Jesus, I was gonna talk about how much it f*****g made me laugh my a*s off, I seriously was laughing for like 10 minutes? straight. xD but because of the ending, imma squee and gofdbhnbfgmfgnhgfjnhkjfg! OMG!! I F*****G LOVED THAT!!! Breezy [rofl] and Seth are like epic, and the ....the ending... creepy stalker person.....WHAT TEH F**K!?! STUPID STALKER!!! RAPIST....THING. and then Seth's eyes went purple [which is my favorite color, bytheway] and he was choking Stalker and then he started choking Bree on accident or whatthefuckever. and the last line was perfect. I. LOVED. IT. and...yeah thats all i can think to say on that. so imma start with what made me laugh the hardest:

the destroying of the car when Alice sang the "like a good neighbor, StateFarm is there" and then Skyla wailed "Alice! That doesn't work! We have AllState!" YOU. HAVE. NO. FCUKING IDEA. HOW F*****G HARD THAT MADE ME LAUGH. I LAUGHED FOR F*****G TEN MINUTES, ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR, RAN INTO THE KITCHEN, AND TOLD MY COUSIN AND MOM ABOUT IT. I DIED. AND THEN DIED SOME MORE. I F*****G LOVED IT. me and my mom and cousins always talk about the statefarm commericals, plus i wrote about them on my graduation test last month, so that made it even fuckinh funnier. f*****g awesome.

the beginning was perfect as well, well it was all perfect but whatthefuckever yougetthepoint. xD i loved the rock band thing, and when alice ordered seth to help em shop. and the "pocky" thing. jsut simply "pocky". xD and the way people stared in the mall. hehehehe.


Posted 13 Years Ago


...imma read now.


Since.. ya know... I already read dis part before... I shall stop here. NEXT PART!


I kept on reading without commenting. I'm done now.
...S**t. Lmao.



Bree and Seth make me squee. :DDDDD
...Then again, I always love your chapters.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2011
Last Updated on January 17, 2012
Tags: soul chasers, soul, chaser, hunter, demon, Alice, broken, door, Bree, pansy



♫ Death City ♥, NV

Hi my name's Rayne and I don't write much anymore which means I'm never on this website. more..

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