Chapter 4-2

Chapter 4-2

A Chapter by Shep

Chapter 4-2

Jaydan unseals the door for Doc watching him replaces the ward while he waited. “Wayne, Martha when you see EJ. I do not want you to say anything thing regarding his other mother. She can sense your emotions and your deepest thoughts. She could or can sense things regarding his mother Linda and his father.”

Jaydan paused just for a moment still hearing the words echo in his mind. “Darkness, everlasting darkness,” it screams out even here. He shakes his head clearing it and continues on.

“What you folks don't know and Doc doesn't know yet they are in this realm, about three maybe for villages away. They are being followed so time is of great importance that I need to leave... This is another reason why I wanted the Whitmore's to come with us. There's a sickness in her realm plaguing her waters.

“Jasper doesn't know who is what caused it, but it is affecting her... and us with it, Doc hasn't been able to cure it, so far, and has told me he has been forbidden to enter her realm for now at least. Jaydan paused hearing the door open. “Oh yes that should be fine,” he said quickly. Wayne Martha watched Doc bring in Kollie and Rena.

Rena gave a warm smile as she enters. “I heard we are going on a field trip, how exciting, but I really hate leaving the boys behind Jaydan.”

“It’s all right Rena they'll be fine, let them rest.  Now then Kollie you mind helping Wayne and you Martha can lean on Doc and Rena.” Jaydan smiles as they all try to stand.

“Jaydan don't think we should at least... Dress?” Martha tries to ask as Jaydan waved his hand as the room fades finding them all standing on the shores of the edge of the water near the evergreens... “I was going to say change our clothes first,” Martha looked coldly at Jaydan as she stood in her nightgown and her husband Wayne, wearing nothing more then a pair of long cotton pajama bottoms, being it was the only thing they could have found him big enough to wear, in his big bulky Wood elf body.

Jaydan shrugged his shoulders. “Martha do you want to see your son or not? She not going to care what you're wearing, when you are taking a dip in the water.” Jaydan replies as he goes to the water edge puts his staff into the water. Jaydan kneels calls out in loud voice echoes that across the waters... “Lady of light, Lady that gives us life we call upon you as we seek the light.”

A rushing wave of wind surges from the depth of the lake as water pushed forth. As they watched a woman with flowing blue and green hair as her eyes sparkled walking towards them. Doc kneels whispering to the rest to follow suit, Jaydan whispers back. “Don't piss her off, she’s not in a good mood right now and remembers what I said.”

“Jaydan, Doc back so soon?” Lady Gwin replied giving them each a hard cold stare.

“Sorry my Lady; I have brought the boys parents, they wish to see the boy,” Jaydan said calmly guarding his emotions.

“Did you not tell them they can not enter the realm where he is, that it is forbidden?” She asked.

“Yes, my Lady,”

Martha looks, up. “Please… I just want to see my son and we are not leaving this spot without him... Oh no! not this time!” Martha grabbing Wayne's hand.

Lady Gwin smiles seeing the love they have for the boy. “I see.”... Lady Gwin peers into their hearts and minds. “I sense great love for him and he feels the same for you.”  Lady Gwin replied as she swiftly turns cold towards Jaydan. “This is not his real mother. I can sense on the very edge the coldness the boy has felt, which does not fester within her heart or the darkness. Why did you bring them here when I asked you for his real mother and his father?”

Martha tries to stand. “I am his mother… isn't that enough and he is his father, now I want to see my son NOW!!”

Wayne tries to stand with Kollie’s help. “Please, we need him and need to know he's alright.”

Lady Gwin paused looking upon their hearts and faces with much love she can show them…“I would if I could like I said you can not enter this realm and not as a wood elf, but I will let you visit him until Jaydan returns. Providing you only live on these shores. It is the best I can offer you. The boy must remain in this water near me.”

Martha and Wayne nod. “We understand my Lady,” they replied.

She said. “Then if you are to stay so be it.” She waved her hand towards them as they light encompass them and takes away their wood elf forms smiling as Wayne pajama bottoms fell around his ankles, seeing his very nice long tan legs as he does his best to keep his boxers on by holding them up with his hands and blushes… Lady Gwin pointed to the evergreens with her staff. 

With a wave of water and wind begins to circles about the shores as a house begins to build before their very eyes. “I will return with the boy Prince when he awakes, for now, rest yourselves and feel safe.

“Jaydan please bring back his brothers and his sisters no one else that has not his heart, and make sure they are restored to their true selves. Now go. Doc you may stay with them until Jaydan returns then you must be about your duties. For he must take his place at my side before the others arrive.”

Lady Gwin faced Kollie and Rena. “You two are healers of realms and worlds, yet why can't I sense anything from you? Your presence eludes me and I cannot...” Kollie eyes glowed as they step forward into the water. Watching her back away Kollie leaned down with his hand touching the water as a bright light encompass them within moments they are gone.

Doc standing stunned looked across the water wondering where they went. Martha, Wayne smile content watching the house being built as they sit on the shores. “Doc, don't sweat the small stuff. Kollie, Rena are just paying a little house call that's all. Now then tell us what you been up to since we have the time,” Martha said.

Doc finding a nice comfortable spot on the sandy shore, “Humm it all started…” Watching their face and eyes pop from one event to the next. “Yep, so you see Martha and Wayne they keep me kinda of busy just like you. Except I don't have battles with swords and magic at least not their kind or yours, and I can’t do things like the Whitmore's, I am just a simple country doctor that's all,” Doc replies laughing looking towards the water lapping against the shore.

“I just go more place than most like you. I haven't been back in Santaquin or New Downing in ages. Which what I hear was such a dull life compared to what we have now, but I'll tell you one thing. If I only knew what was out there back then. I would have run for the nearest hills and hope it never found me. Then... again maybe not, I've met a lot of nice folks and we need more just like them,” he replied. “Well here come’s my ride,” seeing Jaydan with a small wagon with everyone.

“Doc did she say how we are going be able to get to that realm?” Martha asked.

“Nope, not a clue, but I have a pretty good idea you are not going to like it unless your some sort of a fish and I am not talking mermaids with tails because she doesn't have one,” Doc replied as he stands watching Jaydan pull up with the wagon on the shore.

“Sorry I took so long Martha, Wayne I nearly had to pry the little ones out of Margaret's hands,” Jaydan said shaking the sand out of his boots.

“Man is she mad Ma,” Robert said while Jaydan helped him over. “You should have seen it when Jaydan told her we were moving again not telling her where. Leaving everything, not even letting us change or clothes first or giving us time to dress, dragging us out of our beds into the wagon.”

“Yea what's the meaning of this Martha?” Grandma giving her a hard cold stare “We can't go anywhere dressed only in our bedclothes at least let us take our shoes.”

Jaydan, Doc laughed looking at everyone all stranded barley decent. The boys all in their boxer shorts and girls and women dressed in long nightgowns. Yes, sir, it was a sight to see. “Why?” Doc asked as he laughed busting a gut. “Did you need any to play in the water? I guess we better git before she gets back or?” Jaydan nods not liking the possibilities.

Yelled as he waved goodbye. “Alright folks behave yourselves,” yelled. “Yaw” taking the reigns of the wagon and were gone in a flash of light.

“Pa, so why are we here and where is EJ?” Robert asked.

“In there we think?” As everyone eyes glued to the water.

“Pa, EJ's not fish,” Will replied looking real worried swallowing hard.

“I don't think so, son.”

Ma puts her arm around her boys. “No, he’s not,” trying to make herself believe it too. “But Jaydan said he's a Prince so whatever you do,” she turned her head towards grandma. “Do not piss her off.”

“Who Martha? Who?” Grandma asked.

They didn't have to wait too long until she arrived, but EJ wasn't with them. Kollie and Rena came to shore seeing everyone sitting along the shore. “Thanks, I feel so much better now,” Lady Gwin replied giving Rena a hug.

“Glad we can help,” Rena said patting her on the back.

“Now as far as that other problem I'm having, I don't know where the source is. Perhaps you can help me find it. When you return with your boys. You know how to get in so no use of me stopping you,” Lady Gwin replied giggled. “And I'll have my tailor’s make some clothes so you won't feel so wet wearing those next time, Jaydan should have told you. What on earth was he thinking?”

“It’s alright,” Kollie said removing his shoes and socks, watched the water pour out of them. “They need a good bath,” he laughed.

Rena gives her one more kiss on the cheek. “This one for the Prince. Now go wake him so they can see him.” Kollie, Rena slowly taking each other's hand slung their shoes over their shoulder, walked over to Martha and Wayne's family.

Lady Gwin calmly giggles looking at the family as she paces in front of them. Giving them warm a smile but a stern stare... “Normally it is very rude for you not to kneel in front of a Queen. Yet I completely understand that you are incapable of doing so without help, so we will let the formality go, that being said.”

Lady Gwin waved her staff of blue crystal as bright light water slowly surrounds the shores creating a barrier. Then gets real serious looking at the house still being built for them.

Lady Gwin paces in front of them in the water. “There are some rules and you will follow them for yours and the Prince protection. As Jaydan said and I said you can visit him... That's it for now until the arrangements have been made. Which are very crucial to his and your survival. EJ must not leave the water, for it weakens him in the state he is in and it could kill him; saying that Martha, Wayne he can not stay with you until the arrangements of your new life in my realm have been made.

There are no potions this time like you had to hide your real selves. For mask do not work here. That is why you see yourselves as you were. However EJ has no mask nor body, other then one he uses to sustain him as a Wood Elf, for now, we have removed that body, because wood Elves do not live in this realm. "

They cannot sustain life other then the shores for a short time for the air is different here. As Jaydan explained, for him to obtain life we must find a new body for him to do so, yet he must live and be hidden until he has learned how to abstain one other than his wood Elf state and is strong enough to do so. His life like yours will be different when you are able to enter my realm.”

Lady Gwin paused to let it sink in before continuing on. “You will be close to him as a family still, regardless if I am his mother you his Martha... I will not take that way and allow anyone else too either. Therefore you will be of my relation as a Countess, Wayne you will be a Lord and his grandmother a duchess. Your boys will all be a Prince and your girl’s Princess. With that being said you will be schooled and trained as such.”

Lady Gwin paused once more as she watches them, seeing they understood. “Now regarding EJ, Hess and Morgan know his face and his name. They also know now that White Solan has risen, but they are just not sure yet who the title belongs to as of yet. And soon I expect more of his followers will catch on that this EJ is the White Solan and Jeff is his other half. Which brings me to my next solution and sent out orders to throw them off his trail?

“EJ’s name must never be spoken in my walls. Or around people. Jasper is at this very moment wiping any images that you left behind here. His name is Orin, Prince of the living water. His coronation will be set in place upon the evening of the full moon of Gallic and will be held upon the village shores in 10 cycles of the sun once he can sustain his new body. Kollie and Rena will provide you a way to attend the ceremony. That is the best I can do until Jaydan and Doc return; for they are visiting the King of all living water realms… my father. He has the power that I do not among all the realms to make it possible for you to enter.

“Now you may be asking about your clothing considering...” Lady Gwin giggling at Grandma trying to keep her gown close together. “You won't need much here and plus the material that is used and mostly is made from the water and living plants. It covers what needs to be covered and is quite comfortable, more comfortable than what you're wearing now. Which you will find out, but it takes time to make you all clothes so I'll have a few of mine sent for the women brought up for now when I bring the Prince. As for you boys just think of me as your mother,” patting each on the head. “Until my maidservant can fit you some. Now then any question?” She asked.

“Ya,” Robert asked as he tries to stand. “Is my brother a fish?”

Lady Gwin laughs out loud making the waves roll. “No my boy his A Prince not food, alright then I’ll bring him out. Kollie if you wouldn't mind passing them around this water for me so they will stop flopping around like a fish. Thanks, dear.”

Lady Gwin taking her small wand makes each of them crystal glass and fills them with water; then taps each one of the glasses as they shine with a bright light. Kollie takes the tray of water passing it around, Lady Gwin smiles, “drink every last drop.” Watching their bodies glow as they drink it and eyes shine brightly. “Now that's better. I'll be back.” She replied giggling as she splashed them all with water.

Grandma jumps back wringing out her nightgown. “Ooh, that woman… she did that on purpose.”

The boys laughed shaking the water out of their hair. “Grandma don't sweat the small stuff, its just a little water,” they replied.

“Besides when was the last time you had a bath?” Wayne replied laughing harder.

“Ha, ha,” Grandma splashing water on him.

“So Rena, Kollie where did you go?” Martha asked.

“Oh that folks you will never believe in a million years until you see it for yourself,” Kollie replied giving Rena kiss on the cheek. “I can tell you this. Have you ever considered what's it’s like to be fish with people living in the water.”

Rena laughed, “Very, very wet on dry land.” Everyone looked puzzled as they laughed even harder.....

© 2020 Shep

My Review

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Some more good interactions, perhaps a chance to breathe after the moment we had a few chapters ago. Interested to see how you build this going forward.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 23, 2019
Last Updated on January 26, 2020



Santaquin, UT

Updated January 17, 2020 In short I am a Male 52 years of age and Permanently Disabled due to a car accident and suffer from seizures and Sever PTSD. So I have a lot of time on my hands. One of .. more..

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