Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Shep

Chapter 6

The air was hot and dry as the wind blew across the desert of Cotian. Aggie looked back as Dark Shadows pursed them on all sides. “Yaw, yaw.” Steve snapped the reigns.

“Come on Steve, Jim this not the time to spare the whip lets go,” Aggie yelled as she watched Linda, Loraine hugging close together with girls in the back of the wagon. Soldiers in the second with Jarred, Delia his father Bill.

“There's nothing like running for life is there Pa?” Jarred said when he looked back teeth clenched from holding against the rattling of the old wagon...

“You can say that again son,” He’s replied as he yelled over the noise of the wagon.

Black fire arrows flew through the air as Aggie turned sharply forcing a reflected wind-shield from hitting them. Another wagon flying down the road heading straight for them, Aggie saw two people as they got closer. “I can't quite make them out,” Steve yelled back to Aggie. A loud lighting strike shoots through the air lands right behind them.

“Aggie I think we are in trouble,” Steve replied as he looked at the left wheel starting to wobble. “Hold on as we make the sharp turn,” he said. Dark Shadows getting closer and the cold winds picking up speed, another hard lighting strike nearby missed them just barely.

Jaydan and Doc putting all they got into the horses with more speed watched the shadow warriors closing in. “It’s going to be close Doc. Jaydan intoned. “Grab the reigns while I make them and us a quick safe heaven.”

Jaydan tries to stand trying to balance himself at the same time while holding his staff. Jaydan pointed to the two wagons coming towards, yells with one mighty voice. “Aggie when I say now go through the gate.” Jaydan whirling his staff a large gate opens with two sides. “NOW!” He shouted.

Aggie watched the gate swirl in front of them yells to Steve. ”NOW!” Aggie pointed her staff at the ground making a trail of light encompassing both wagons. Jaydan and Doc moving forward on the others side slip-streaming as they both enter at the same time. Aloud thunderous crack is heard as both side gates close at the same time. Aggie and her party held almost in suspension in the air as Jaydan and Doc slide alongside them as they slowly lowered on sandy shores near a large ocean on Quratsa. Watching the gate close on their side.

Aggie sighs when their wagon touched the shore as the wheel of the wagon wobbles off in one great crash. “Well never late than never!” Aggie said giving Jaydan a cold hard stare then looking at the wheel now laying flat on the shore.

Steve laughed looking at her expression. “Now then!” Aggie said jumping down out of the wagon. “Mind telling me what in the hell happened back there Jaydan? And don't you dare just say? I was doing fine because I wasn't. Not this time, no sir. Those were pure demons chasing us. I am not stupid you know. Something really bad is happening so don't you dare give us the brush off say you have fun approach. Because I will skin you cleaner than a colderweler p***y cat with two heads. I want answers and I want them “Now! Do you hear me? NOW!” Aggie screamed.

Steve and Jim shrink back as their eyes popped watching her anger reach the boiling point. “Alright, but you're not going to like them,” Jaydan replied.

Aggie paced giving him a hard stare. “Well, apparently neither of us going anywhere at the moment.” She said turning around staring at her little group in hot flash of anger, “What? Do you need me to do spell it out, folks?” Pointing to the wagons, we are staying here, so get with it, unless you really want me to get mad!” She shouted.

Not waiting for a reply Steve tossed Jim the tents. “Like she said brother, let’s get to work for there is no fury like a woman.” Jim tries to smile looked over at Linda but all she does is cross her arms.

“Come on ladies,” Linda said. We have work to do as always,” stepping lightly on to the shore. “Peggy, Dona fill the kettle and no sass. Bill you and Jarred find some wood for the fire. You boys” Linda handing her soldiers boxes of supplies, “start unloading the wagons.

“Yes ma’am,” they answered right away.

“Such good boys,” Linda sighs. “It is so good to have a man around when you need one. Delia and Loraine, you help with the meal since you no my cooking pretty much stinks especially without a proper kitchen.”

“Now that's not true Linda. They loved your cooking and the men here were just being picky,” Loraine giving them each a hard stares.

“Thanks, I think,” Linda said unsure of herself.

“Well, Jaydan I am waiting!” Aggie said tapping her foot on the ground.

“Alright, alright come on Doc. I might need a little backup… second thought,” Jaydan glanced over at Linda.

“Right… I’ll take care of it, but she not going to like the news I have any better,” Doc replied.

Jaydan shrugged his shoulders and sighs, “Come on Aggie lets take a walk.” Getting a little ways from the group around the campsite Jaydan begins to break things down. ”Do you want the short version or the long one,” he asked with a cautious look.

“Why?” She asked.

Jaydan tries to smirk looked across the ocean of deep green. Very beautiful this time year he noted gave longing sigh of peaceful days returned his attention to Aggie. “Because there are things that I have to do that's why and other people that need me just as bad as you do.”

“We will start with the short version for now, but if, you so help me Jaydan… Uug,” she replied clinching her fist right at him. Watching him flinch back a bit.

Jaydan starts with. “Morgan's not in charge anymore,” Taking a big breath, “his old Master Hess is,” he said as calmly as he could.

“WHAT?” Aggie replied coming unglued everyone turns towards her.

Doc smiles then looked at Linda. “Let's say me and you have a private conversation over there,” taking her arm pointing to a nice secluded spot on the opposite side.

“I am not going to like this am I Doc?” Linda asked looking back at Aggie. Doc doesn't reply instead looks at Jim seeing the darkness still around him and feeling the cold emptiness.

Doc finds a nice spot and sits on the shore removing his shoes and socks putting his feet in the cool water. “Oh, that feels so nice,” rubbing his sore feet. “You know Linda a lot has happened since me and you have left Santaquin. For myself especially, I nearly got back long enough to leave again. I'll tell you being chased, and chasing to catch up. It has been quite a ride for me and these sore feet of mine. Come sit. Your girls will be fine, feel this water, and take a load off. That's better,” he said.

Hearing Aggie scream. “He's, where?” Everyone turning heads towards them.

Then Linda turned to Doc. “Spill the beans Doc…What? No way Doc! Not happening!!” Linda screamed. Hearing the news what has happened to her son EJ.

Everyone spun like a pinball machine between the two. “And you both said it was ok Doc?” Doc nods his head yes. “He's my son, not hers and he; he cannot be a wood or whatever you call those people.” NO!!" Doc.” She replied as the anger boils in her.

Linda stands up Doc brings her back down. “I'm not through yet Linda your going to listen or aren't ya because,” Doc swallowing hard. “Those things chasing you are chasing him and there a lot more of them now and bigger threat now that…”  Doc swallowed hard and swallowed again. “Morgan head boss is loose and wants him real bad and all of you out of the way.” He said as if he was in hurry to get it off his chest.

Linda and Doc head spun around as Aggie screams. “They are going to do what? Now? How Jaydan?” Aggie replied angrily.

“There is more, isn't there Doc?” Linda asked looking at Aggie face turning beat red pacing making Linda sweat a little.

“Well yes Linda, but how do I put it?  You see this water,” Doc scooping a handful. “EJ is in spirit form as his self, but not just his self anymore. He shed his body of the one created for him at this moment, leaving it to become,”

Doc swallowed “The White Solan, to match his companion The Dark Prince. Jaydan will explain that one to you on the particulars on the hows. Since I am just a country doctor with extra skills on the medicine part and the soul, but he is stuck as it is whether you or I like it. He is now part of this.” Doc said as he scooped some more water in his hand.

“No Doc, he can't, it’s just not possible,” Linda said having a very hard time believing it. People made of water and spirit… it just isn’t possible, yet she had seen stranger things lately.

“Whether it is or not Linda I have seen it myself, he is part of living water and spirit,” he replied.

Aggie yelled real loud pointing to the water. “She can't do that?” And walks away to be by herself, Jaydan lets her go and joins Doc.

Jaydan could see Linda’s mad and worried face. “Jaydan you got a lot of explaining to do,” she said taking and hand full of water shaking it in his face. “Because there is no way my son can be a part of this,” shaking her fist at him.

“I tried Jaydan,” Doc replied as he sighs looked out in the distance. “She needs to see it for herself.”

Jaydan nods back, “Linda would it make it any easier to see it? And can you accept it for what it is? Because your son in some forms will always be a part of you.”

“Jaydan I need to know, I have waited so long.” The tears flowed down her cheeks, “please I need to know,” she said not knowing what to believe anymore.

“Alright then,” Jaydan sat down next to them, waved his hand across a small pool of water. Showing her EJ as the Dark Prince before Morgan changed him, then shows him, Jeff, her face went white as she recognizes him. “But he's dead Jaydan?” Jaydan nods as he unfolds the story to the point where they are now. “No! No! No! Jaydan,” Linda splashed the pool of water. “She can't have him, he's mine,” She replies as the anger lashes out.

Jaydan sighed. “Remember that night when we talked about if he was going to come back to you and I said that I did not have an answer. His destiny lies with them Linda, not with you. His heart belongs to them, he chose it. He would die for them to have it. I can not give you something he does not want, for if we do this, this is what our worlds would turn into.”

As he waved his hand back over the pool so she could see the Dark Prince die by Hess's hands. “We and the worlds we live in die with him. For the White Solan will not take his place to save his companion. He rather die, for all hope he has lies with them.” He said as the tears flowed down her face as she looks at the dead Prince and the other lost in time forever.

Her son was gone because he chose them over her. It breaks her heart seeing this, but what’s worse seeing his unhappiness wandering through time in endless pain. To give up his own life rather too live at home without them. She has missed watching him grow up and now this as she watches his face fade away into the shadows of time.

“I did this and he did this,” Linda replied pointing at her husband. “Because this man Morgan helped us all along to get what he wanted, how could I ever forgive myself if I let this happen?”

Doc slowly puts her head on his shoulder. “By just loving him and let him go. That's how Linda, do you love him enough to do that? I know his father doesn't, I can see it in his heart as I look at him now. You still have a chance to be with your son and be a part of his life. Just not the same life you wanted with him. Danny still loves you and will come home to you that I can promise you, but no Linda I do not think he will ever be yours again.” Jaydan replied as he slowly stands, puts his hand on her shoulder. “Do you want me to talk your husband?” He asks solemnly.

Linda looks up with tears, and then looked over at him facing nothing. “No. It will do no good.”

Jaydan nods then walks away turning. "Doc after supper will take a dip,” he said pointing out towards the ocean. Doc swallows hard then nods.

Linda faces him, “what and where are you going now?” She asked.

“Oh, nothing for you to concern yourself with Linda. We just need to visit an old friend and make a house call.”

“Out there?”

“Yep,” kissing her forehead. “Clear out there,” he said not looking forward to it.

Camp setup Aggie still steaming every time she looked at Doc and Jaydan. Yelled at her soldiers, “fix those wagons we are leaving at first light.”

“Yes ma’am,” they replied hopping to it.

“Jim you and Steve got guard duty,” tossing them their swords. “Peggy and Dona let’s go, girls, we have work to do,” facing the pots and pans. “And don't,” Aggie waved her finger as shook with anger. “So much as twitch out of the wrong place.” Aggie watched Doc slowly removed their clothes. “And where do you think you're going?” She asked them.

“To take a dip, we'd ask you to come along, but I don't think you'd like where we are going,” Jaydan growled.

Jaydan took Docs hand not waiting for a response. Aggie and them watching them dive in head first with his bag in one hand. Linda laughs out loud. “Just a house call that's all Aggie, they'll be back.”

“Yes to whom and where? Is what I'm concerned about?”

Linda, everyone watched a bright flash of light and large tidal wave start out in the middle of the ocean. They heard a loud rumbling sound. “She wants to do WHAT?” A man's voice shouted across the sea.

“Oh my!” Aggie quickly put a small shield around her encampment. To avoid the large waves.

“O' Oh my!” Delia said watching the lightning strike. In the distance as she watched for more shadow men.

Aggie's lips tightened sitting on the shore. “I thought as much,” looking at Linda and Jim. “Come Linda sit. let them do the work, they have been very bad today,” Aggie said as she looks over at Jim.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Linda putting her hands on her hips looked straight at Jim. “WHAT?” He replied with a start?

“You know what,” Linda said leaving him standing there confused again. Wondering what he did this time.

Aggie and Linda sitting on the sandy shore placed her feet in the water. “You know Aggie this water does feel good.”

Aggie slowly leaned Linda head on her shoulder. “I am sorry Linda,” she said placing a kiss on her forehead.

“It’s all right Aggie I am sure he'll be happy and I can still be his mother some of the time.” She said as Linda glanced over at Jim watching the sky. “But he will never, ever going to know as long he or I live. That his son was somebody that I could and will love no matter where he is. Or what he becomes.

“He died far as he concerned the first moment he laid a finger on him and pushed him out of the house, into that mans hands willingly. No Aggie he deserves to suffer for it. I'm ready to let him go, so he can have a life far better than he could ever have with me. 
Knowing he will be loved when he is with them. The question is how will it end? Now if he can't find his way back, so he can have it,” she said as the calmness settled around her.

Aggie smiled. “Through them Linda,” she said pointing to Jaydan and Doc out in the middle of the ocean. “And us guiding him home with love.”

“I hope so,” as she yawns. “Because I don't think I have the strength to do it alone,” Linda replied as she fell asleep on her shoulder with soft waves rolling on the shores.....

© 2020 Shep

My Review

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Hey! I'm finally getting back into this story and reading it again. I doubled back through the other chapters to brush up on anything I might have forgotten, and I'll try to keep moving forward from here with the reviews! An interesting chapter to say the least, with several revelations and new additions to the mythos. Main small nitpick, which I mentioned in a previous review, we are writers and not necessarily editors, and that shows here. Sometimes it can be a bit jarring to fight around the small errors, but I do think the ideas shine through in the end. A bit of a more talkative chapter this time around, but I did appreciate seeing a few more reactions from the main characters. Plus, sometimes having moments of showing events instead of telling them to us was greatly appreciated. I'm intrigued to see how this story goes forward from here.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

thanks for the review. I had my doubts that you were coming back to read my work its so glad you did.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 23, 2019
Last Updated on January 26, 2020



Santaquin, UT

Updated January 17, 2020 In short I am a Male 52 years of age and Permanently Disabled due to a car accident and suffer from seizures and Sever PTSD. So I have a lot of time on my hands. One of .. more..

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