For my generation

For my generation

A Chapter by Dani The Unreviewed

It is a poem...i think. Thanks for reading.

I don't blame anyone,
I will spare the great words,
Yes, every single goddamned one,
In this world, some love's needed,
But most have only one, themselves

We were born wild,
The streets raised us,
No one looked after us,
Among the concrete buildings,
Miracles don't exist.

You never saw a single tear,
Or any fear in our eyes,
Even when there was,
You did not notice.

Instead of pity,
Spare your s****y words,
Fortune, for you it works,
All we needed was some love,
So we know what it feels like,
So we know we aint all alone,
But you gave none.
Thats how we became a cursed generation.

We don't ask for anythin,
Just some love,
A family,
A father,
A mother,
But we got nothin.
Thats how we became a cursed generation.

Nobody cared,
When we were scared,
From each other we expected comfort,
Nobody else was there,
Nobody will care,
Not many of us dare,
To say its not fair.

That is how we became a cursed generation.

Instead of your words,
Of pity,
And the s****y,
Dirty lies,
We ask for nothing,
But some care, some love.

I can not ask for anything,
But for my generation, and all those to come, i dare to ask, for one thing only.
Don't hurt your children,
Don't kill them,
Don't starve them,
Don't lie to them.

Put all that away,
Yeah, you hear right thats what i say,
In the name of generations, past, present, and to come,
I say, love your kids.

If you wont, then who will?

© 2016 Dani The Unreviewed

Author's Note

Dani The Unreviewed
I've seen too much of kids being starved, kidnapped, killed, tortured, unloved, thrown away, out on the streets, i thought of writin a poem. Thanks for checking it out. Please, share your thoughts. Thank you.

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We were born wild,
The streets raised us,
No one looked after us,
Among the concrete buildings,
Miracles don't exist.

the above quote is very powerful...i am an old lady, generation a grandmother to your generation...i believe the generations that follow are the future of the universe, i wish your generation had been treated with more respect and love...i have walked your concrete coulees and felt the loneliness abundant there...your writing is excellent...keep it up...jc

Posted 8 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Yes, each generation bring something new, and hopefully something useful. But for that, we all need .. read more


Wonderful job, Danny. It captures the unfortunate harsh realities of life in our modern world in which it has become politically correct to make excuses for fractured families and dead-beat dads and drug addicted moms and everything that you described.
The children always bear the true cost of the ills of society; it hardens them and destroys the goodness in them...
...and the cycle just continues.
Thanks, Danny. You spoke up. Let your voice be heard. "Enough is enough."

Posted 8 Years Ago

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much :)
This one dominates the top writing list since yesterday!!!!!! cool! :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Lol. i didn't check it, but i'm sure they have new stuff every day... Anyways, if ya say so... Lol
A writer

8 Years Ago

Yeah. I hope people will join the fan group. :) You really deserve this.
Very touching Danny keep it up :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Thank you very much :)
So powerful! Finally, some great power stood on the side of righteousness! The incredibel power of your poetry! This touched me, for it holds a priceless message, and it feels to be brutally honest, coming from the heart. The cases reported on the news must have really touched your soul. You really are a most amazing, powerful, young poet, my friend. Keep sharing your ever so important, amazing poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Thanks...for the read.
A writer

8 Years Ago

You are welcome :) :)
wow, i an haunted/touch/tearful/proud of you for speaking out! I beautiful/tragic/true poem!!! Thank you for sharing this true and pure message with the world Danny! 100 rating.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Thank you so very much :)
Valkyrie Warrior

8 Years Ago

You are so very welcome!
Yes we must love our kids. The message is beautifully expressed here but I must add that most of us also tend to spoil the kids with what we consider to be love; thereby leaving behind kids who affect others. We must love our kids and also teach them never to hurt others...

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Yes, you are right. I was just hearin a lot of evil stuff on the news, so decided to write about it... read more
i can feel you on this great write my friend,not like it used to be
the world is growing mean

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Yeah, world is going bad... Thanks for the read, review :)

8 Years Ago

my pleasure
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I can see all generations have same problems. Well write your words show pain , anger . On end you give powerful mesage . What we need follow. Or our children will die tommorow. Well done.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Exactly! thank you very much :)

8 Years Ago

You very welcome .
Great poem Dan, strong words and the care for the kids
Is soo - cool, Awesome! 100 points

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Dani The Unreviewed

8 Years Ago

Thank you my friend. :)

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30 Reviews
Added on July 31, 2015
Last Updated on January 8, 2016
Tags: A poem

Dark poems


Dani The Unreviewed
Dani The Unreviewed

Tankcsapda, Agyarország, Germany

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