Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Mary Greenwell

Chapter Four

I fixed your favorites for breakfast.” Deborah smiled trying to hide the fact she had been crying.

When do you need us gone?” I asked her knowing that the time had changed.

The state called this morning…” she whispered and I knew the answer.

Decy, don’t worry about asking anybody I’ll find us a place today.” I nodded, “We’ll be back right after school to get our things.” I said coldly.

Please don’t be like this Aimee.” Deborah begged.

After everything we’ve been through together the past year…” Kyle said.

I can’t believe you just brought that up!!!!!” I screamed and Decima stood up too. She came over and wrapped her arms around me it had only been a year ago that my ex had raped me and I had gotten pregnant. He had gotten probation and since I had refused to take the pills, the hospital offered, the whole school thought I had just gotten pregnant and we had had a nasty breakup. I had told hardly anyone outside my family about the rape. At six months, I had gotten into a wreck with a drunk driver and I had lived with only bumps and bruises but my baby boy had died. I had quit cheering that next day.

We’re leaving.” Decima said quickly pulling me out of the house. We got in our car, and she drove us to the small poetry café, Yvonne’s, that Simeon and I liked to go to, the same one that our first date had been at.

The usual Aimee?” my favorite waitress asked.

Yes please.” I smiled at her and Decima looked at me.

Who’s this?” Jasmine, the waitress, asked.

Jasmine, meet my sister Decima.” I smiled, “Decy… Jasmine.”

What would you like, Decima?” Jasmine asked.

I guess the same thing Aimee has since she apparently comes so often?” She was still looking at me questioningly.

This is where Simeon takes me.” I shrugged smiling but then I saw Simeon walk through the door with two men that looked like him.

Maybe we should go say hi?” Decima suggested.

No he’s with his brothers.” I shook my head but he looked over at us and I knew he had heard the conversation in Decima’s thoughts. He could not read mine but he could read everybody else’s and sometimes just to show off he would start telling me what everybody was thinking.

Juliet.” he smiled coming over and Decima smiled shaking her head. He turned to his brother which by the relaxed way he looked I knew was his younger one, “This is Peter.” he introduced him to me, “Peter this is Aimee and her sister Decima.” he nodded.

So… what… are you two coming out to your siblings today?” Decima whispered in my ear and I just shrugged smiling as he sat down beside me.

Well it’s obvious he’s not going to introduce me…” the oldest said and Simeon tensed, “I’m Reuben.”

Hello Reuben.” I smiled.

All of the stories they’ve told you…” he trailed off.

I figure he’s exaggerated you can’t be too bad.” I assured him and Simeon tensed even more.

Oh no all of them are absolutely true.” he nodded.

I don’t believe that, Reuben.” I shook my head. He was triggering something in my mind but I pushed it farther back staying with them.

Well then why won’t you tell me your name?” He seemed worried about something.

Oh sorry I forgot I’m Aimee.” I smiled my favorite smile and he smiled a smile that made Decima and Simeon move closer to me I just turned to Decima though, “This is Decima.”

We need to get to school.” Simeon said when Jasmine brought us our food to go.

Wow I leave you with your sister and Simeon joins you with… well two others…?” she trailed off questioningly.

His brothers… Peter and Reuben.” I told her laughing and Decima smiled glad that I was in a better mood again now that Simeon’s arms were around me.

I wish you could ride with me.” Simeon whispered in my ear and I snuggled closer to him.

Me too,” I said nodding.

She can ride with me and Lucy and it will give you two a reason to hang out outside of school.” Peter smiled at us.

You two are riding with me.” Simeon laughed.

Yes but I’ll sit in the front and Josephine can sit in the back so it just looks like she’s friends with your sisters and hitched a ride so they could talk.” he said and then added seriously, “She needs to talk to you anyway Simeon.”

How did you know that?” I asked.

I can tell by your face.” he said looking at Decima and I knew it really had to do with what they were.

Decy, I’ll meet you at school.” I smiled hugging her.

Have fun.” she nodded and we all left. I climbed in the back between two girls I had never seen before but one of them immediately hugged me.

© 2013 Mary Greenwell

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Added on February 11, 2013
Last Updated on February 11, 2013
Tags: vampire, Aimee, Student/Teacher


Mary Greenwell
Mary Greenwell

Bloomfield, KY

I love to write and read. I am in college right now and so I don't get to write as often as I like but I still enjoy it. more..

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A Chapter by Mary Greenwell