Police Reports- Chapter 16- February 6, 10 AM

Police Reports- Chapter 16- February 6, 10 AM

A Chapter by John Duprey

Kyle finally going to face his fears tell the authorities about the incident that has rocked his life for the three months. Will he choke up?


            I woke up around 8 AM, I’m nervous. I don’t know what to expect, I hope I can answer all of their answers. I hope I can give them a somewhat clear description of the man. Most of all, I hope these bad memories doesn’t trigger anything. I’m sitting in the living on the sofa and staring aimlessly at the wall.

            “Are you ready, Kyle?” My mom asks me. I jump.

            “Ah!” My mom gives me a strange look. “You scared me.”

            “Oh,” she chuckles. “Sorry.”

            “It’s okay,” I tell her.

            “I’m nervous. What if I can’t remember? What if I blank?”

            “Calm down,” she lays her hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be okay,” she reinsurances me. “Besides I told the police a week ago about what happened and what he kinda looked like.”

            “Right?” I question.

            “Kyle. Not to hype you up right now, but Sherriff’s Office called me a couple of days ago, and they told me that they had gotten a hold of the security cameras footage on the night you were raped, and they caught the guys face. It showed him grabbing and throwing you in the back of the van, and then him throwing you out. They also tracked the van back to a business in Billings, Idaho. They told them that the van is theirs and the driver was one of their package drivers for this area.

            “That’s awesome news! So why are they visiting me?”

            “They have a photo lineup. They need you personally to correct identify your attacker.

            “I hope I can correct identify him. I’m still nervous.”

            “I know, just breathe honey. They said they also need a vocal statement about the incident.” I sigh.

            “This guy just needs to rot in prison so he doesn’t do it again!”

            “Yeahhh,” she hesitates.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “Oh, nothing.”

            “Oh, okay.” A hear a car door shut, I almost jump out of my skin.

            “They’re here,” my mom tells me.

            “I know.” I breathe in and out. I’m extremely nervous about this meeting, but I know it will help me in the long run. I hear a sturdy knock on the door. Tight knots are forming in my stomach, every single possible thing that could wrong runs through my head. What if they don’t take me seriously? What if there is nothing they can do? What if I’m at fault here? Oh my god, this needs to go smoothly. My mom opens the door.

            “Are you Ms. Jenson?” The officer smiles.

            “Yes, I am,” my mom replied.

            “Is Kyle available?”

            “Yes he is. He’s in the living room right here.”

            “Do you mind if we come in?”

            “Absolutely,” she moves aside and extends her hand out.

            “Thank you,” he smiles. The two officers come into the doorway and stop. “Nice place you have here, Ms. Jenson,” he exclaims.

            “Thank you very much,” I get off the couch, and proceed to make my way to the two police officers. The one talking to my mother acknowledges me.

            “Hi, you must be Kyle,” he reaches out his hand to shake mine. I take his hand and shake it gently.

            “I am,” I say.

            “My name is Officer Matthew McCoy and this is my partner Officer Crest.” He tells me.

            “Hi.” I say to Officer Crest.

            “So I talked to your Mom on the phone about a week ago, and she told us that you were inappropriately touched back on November 17th around 6:30.” We all sat on the couch in the living room. I swallowed my spit and got ready to talk.

            “That’s correct, sir.” I said. I feel like I’m going to start sweating here any second. I see Officer Crest taking notes on a bright yellow notepad about what we are talking about and the environment.

            “Now, as much as you can and as much as you feel comfortable telling me. Can you recall the incident as much,” he tells me. Great, I have remember every little detail about that b*****d and that atrocious night. “Do feel comfortable enough talking about it?”

            “Yeah,” I hesitated a little.

            “Okay, Kyle. What can you remember from that night?” Okay, Kyle. Don’t f**k this up. This is your time to get the information out there. I breathed in and out�"I’m ready.

            “It was my first night at Hill City Market and I was nervous as anyone would be. Near the end of my shift I think around�"6:20 I want to say. I went in the back parking lot to gather all the carts back there.” I paused. “Um…” I froze for a second. Keep it together, you’re doing fine. I shook it off.

            “Take your time. I know this was a life changing experience and it certainly has scarred you.”

            “Okay. So, besides the employee’s vehicles back there, I noticed a white van as well. As I was collecting the few carts back there, I noticed a man put some groceries in the back of the van. Being nice, I collected his cart as well. He thanked me and I proceeded to put the cart with the rest.” I sighed. I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes, trying to remember everything I can.

            “It’s okay, Kyle. We can stop if you need to.”

            “No! I want to do this. I need to do this.” I rushed out of my mouth. Officer McCoy acknowledged me, so I continued. “He grabbed me shoulder and threw me into the back of his van and I smashed my head pretty hard. He told me not to move and”�" He ties me up. He takes off my pants. His hand is cold. HE STARTS RUBBING ME! Stop! Stop! Stop this madness! I can’t take it! He’s here! He’s right here! Can’t you see him? Arrest him! He throws me out. No! No! “No!” I scream. “Stop this!”

            “Kyle? Kyle! It’s okay.” Officer McCoy tells me.

            “Kyle, you’re okay, we can stop.” My mom tells me. I’m breathing heavily. He’s gone. I’m safe for now.

            “Do you want us to stop?” Officer Crest asks me. I shake my head, ‘yes’. “Do you want to take a break for a few minutes?”

            “No, I don’t want this to end. The sooner we can catch this guy is the sooner I can start healing.”

            “Alright, then let’s proceed,” he tells me. I close my eyes, and try not to remember what I was feeling, but how the incident happened.

            “He tied my arms and my feet together so I couldn’t move.”

            “Mhmm,” he mumbled.

            “That is when he took off my underwear and pants. I also remember him saying, ‘if you move one more time I’ll slit your throat’ or something like that. So I listened to him because I didn’t want to be killed.” I paused.

            “Go on, Kyle if you’re comfortable enough to,” Officer McCoy told me.

            “Remember Kyle, I’m here for you, always.” My mom mentions to me. I’m really trying to fight tears back. All of this has been such an emotional rollercoaster, and I’m not sure I can go down anymore.

            “He started touching me. Rubbing me up and down to whatever pace his sick, twisted mind wanted at times. I’m gay, I’m pretty comfortable about talking about it, but I’m embarrassed to say that I got an erection from him touching me. I knew it was completely wrong that he was touching me, but I liked it because someone was touching me. He kept jacking me off until I ejaculated. I felt completed ashamed in myself because I let him get what he wanted.”

            “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault,” my mom reminded me.

            “I know. Anyways he put my underwear and pants back on. He then proceeded to untie my hands, and then when he was untying my feet, I sneakily reached for his knife. He caught me. He cut my hand open, enough to leave a scar.” I showed the officers my scar from where he cut me. “He then threatened me that if I told anyone, he would kill me and my family. After that, he threw me out of his van. I collected the rest of the carts because it was almost time for me to leave. When I passing the van, I couldn’t resist myself but looking at his face. He had a slight grin on his face. The same grin I want in prison, the same grin I want to do to him when I slit his throat!” I yelled.

            “It’s okay, Kyle,” my mom patted my leg. A few tears escaped down my face. Why do I have to cry in front of every single person I meet?! I bury my face in my hands, Officer McCoy rests his hand on my shoulder.

            “I understand that this is a lot of to handle at the moment, but�"”

            “You have no idea how much I’ve dealt with over the past two years, and now this! What more does this stupid world want from me?”

            “You’re right.” He pauses. “I don’t know how it is to live your life or what you’ve been through, but I’ve seen a lot of cases like yours. There are other teenagers that have been through similar situations as you,” he tells me. You’re just telling me what I want to hear right now, buddy. Don’t try and impress me with your stupid “similar cases” bullshit�"I don’t need to hear it. “But I do have some good news that I can share with you.” If it doesn’t concern you guys getting that a*****e behind bars�"I could care less to hear about it.

            “What’s that?” I mumble.

            “Hill City Market released the surveillance tapes to us, and luckily for you, and us, they have a camera of the back parking lot. The tapes show the whole thing.” He tells me. My ears perk up. I’m alert! The coffee is now streaming in my veins and I’m listening.

            “Really?” I ask not trying to seem too happy.

            “Yes. We contacted the company that owns the van. What they told us was; that the man is an employer of theirs. The company is Billings, Idaho Spa Company. They own about three business in Idaho and they ship products throughout this part of the country. The man’s name is Jeffery Thompson, and he was a delivery driver. The CEO of the company told us that Jeffrey disappeared one night and never returned to his shift the next morning approximately the same time that the sexual assault occurred�"so we assumed that he fled after he sexually assaulted you.

            “That is astounding news. I was not expecting that.”

            “It is, Kyle. Now, our next step is to find him�"which will be somewhat challenging, but we are talking to some of his family members.


            “That is all the updates that I can give you guys at the moment, but if you don’t mind Kyle, there is one last thing I want you to do for us.”

            “What is it?” I ask.

            “We have a photo line-up of six suspects that have previous criminal offenses with the Hill City Police Department. If you correctly pick out the man that sexually assaulted you, we will issue a warrant for his immediate arrest.” Officer McCoy tells me.

            “Okay, I can do that,” I quietly tell him. He takes out a rather large piece of paper from pants pocket and starts to unfold it. He unfolds it all the way and places it on the table in front of me. When I first looked at the six individuals, no one stood out, they all look like devious-looking felons. I started looking deeper into the pictures of these criminals and all of these faces showed pasts of murder, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and rape.  In the top left corner was an older man, he looks like a child molester, but not him; he’s too old. In the top right was a young teenager, like myself, I knew it wasn’t him. The whole bottom looks like drug addicts. I remember the distinctive dark brown eyes he had�"I could never mistake them again. Top middle, those eyes with that face. It’s him. He stare back at me in the picture just like he did as I passed him after he sexual assaulted me. His mind has reminds me of everything that I’ve been through and how much I’ve had to come to get through this.

            “It’s him.” I say with a strong and sturdy tone.

            “Are you sure?” Officer Crest asks me.

            “100%. I remember his face�"I can never forget that face.”

            “Alright. When we get back to the office we will put in a report to issue a warrant for the arrest for Jeffrey Thompson for aggravated sexual assault.” Officer McCoy informs me.

            “Thank you very much Officers! It means a lot to me that you’re taking your time to help me. It really has been a struggle dealing with this and everything that has been bottled up in my life for the past two years.”

            “It is what we do, Kyle. You’re most welcome,” Officer Crest says smiling. All four of us get up from the coach and proceed to the front door.

            “Thank you, it is much appreciated!” My mom tells them. She shakes both of their hands as they open the front door to leave. Abruptly, the house phone rings.

            “I’ll get it!” I tell my mom.

            “Thank you Kyle.”

            “Thanks again,” I hear my mom tell them again as I leave the room to get the phone. I pick up the phone and look at the caller ID. Quincy, Jamie. Jamie! Maybe he is calling to see if we can hang out earlier than tomorrow.

            “Hello,” I say.

            “Kyle?” He asks.

            “Yeah, it’s me.”

            “Hey, how are you doing?”

            “I’m doing okay. I just got done having a meeting with the Police Department.”

            “That’s good! Are they making any progress yet?”

            “Not yet, I just confirmed who sexual assaulted me�"they are going back to the office to issue a warrant for his arrest.”

            “That great news!”

            “Yeah it is,” my voice dwindles off.

            “So about tomorrow Kyle.”

            “Yeah?” I ask excitedly.

            “I can’t make it for tomorrow. I totally forgot that I had an unexpected doctor’s appointment.”


            “Yeah, I’m sorry, Kyle.”

            “Damn. That sucks I was really looking forward to seeing you again.”

            “Yeah, me too, but it just came up, and I totally forgot about it.”

            “It’s okay. There’s always another time.”

            “Yeah there is. But hey, I gotta go.”

            “Okay, I’ll talk to you sometime.” I tell him. I feel a small tear coming down my face. It’s nice to hear his voice. I feel like it has been so long since I’ve seen or heard from him.


            “Bye.” I tell him.  I put the phone down and put it back on the charger. I’m disappointed that he can’t make it tomorrow. I turn around swiftly and my mom is right there. I jump.

            “God! Jeez!”

            “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

            “It’s alright.” I say while walking past her.

            “Hey, who was that who called?” I push my heels on the tiled floor and turn myself around swiftly.



            “Yeah, he had to cancel unfortunately.”

            “Awh, honey that sucks.” 

            “Yeah but what are you going to do?” I swiftly turn around again and head for my room. I shut the door quietly and plop on my bed. I really was hoping that Jamie was going to show up but I guess that’s how life goes, can’t always get what you want and right now, I want my best friend more than anything.

© 2015 John Duprey

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This was a very intense chapter. I'm sure Kyle hated having to relive that expirence. But they know whoo it is at least. Now hopefully they catch him.

Posted 8 Years Ago

KYLE!! POOR KYLE!! :( :( :(

Posted 8 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 20, 2015
Last Updated on May 20, 2015

The First Day


John Duprey
John Duprey

Northfield , VT

John Duprey, that is my name. I reside in Vermont and I'm currently working on my first novel, The First Day. I'm a Vermont portrait and landscape photographer. I'm 19 years old and my interests vary .. more..

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