Chapter 15

Chapter 15

A Chapter by Lizet Elaine

Between Lovers

Chapters 15

©Lizzie 2003-present


            The next morning, Alexandria woke to the smell of Irish Cream coffee and a male voice sing in the shower. She sat up in the bed and grabbed her head in pain from the sudden movement. She took a few deep breaths, pushed the covers off her body and threw her legs over the side of the bed. When her feet touched the cold wood floor she shivered.

            Though she wasn’t fully awake, she was awake to know that she wasn’t in her apartment, she moved to stand up and flopped back on the bed when she was hit by a wave of dizziness, ‘Alcohol was never my friend the day after.’ She stood up again, stepped over the two sleeping dogs and made her way from the room to the kitchen. When she got there, she saw two coffee cups sitting on the counter. One had the remnants of coffee so she picked up the other cup, poured it half full of coffee and sat at one of the stools at the breakfast bar.

            The singing in the bathroom stopped and the water turned off. Jacob walked out of the second bathroom that was next to his brother’s room and into the living room. He was securing the towel around his waist with one hand while the other hand ran through his wet hair.

            Alexandria looked up and watched him a moment before she spoke, “You have a lovely shower voice.”

            Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Jacob still heard her. Her vice startled him causing him to nearly drop the towel from around his waist, “God, you scared me.”

She winced slightly at the loudness of his voice, “Oh yeah, you’re at a five and I need you at a three.”

Jacob laughed softly, “Sorry.” He walked towards her and poured himself another cup of coffee, “Enjoying the coffee?”

She nodded her head, “Very much so. Irish Cream is my favorite.”

“It’s all I keep in the cabinets.” Jacob said after he took a sip.

“I could very well see myself here all the time then.” she said with a laugh

“I wouldn’t mind that one bit.” Jacob said, “But how would your sister feel about it?”

Alexandria gasped, “I completely forgot about her…”

Jacob looked at Alexandria, “You forgot about your little sister?”

“No, that I was supposed to call my older sister.” She said, “She wanted me and Shia, my little sister to go upstate with her in a couple weeks.”

“I see…” Jacob said moving around the counter, “Well, if you’d like to take a shower, you can and then I can drop you off at your place?”

“I’ll skip the shower. I’m just going to get all sweaty again when I go to dance class.”

“Well, give me twenty minutes and I’ll drop you off.” he said walking towards the bathroom.

Alexandria finished off her coffee and placed the cup in the sink. She then walked back to the room and changed into the clothes she had on the night before. She folded up the sweatshirt she had on and placed it on top of the dresser and began to make the bed.

Jacob walked into the room to get his clothes, “Don’t worry about making the bed, it’ll just get messed up again.”

Alexandria shrugged her shoulders and slid her shoes on, “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” Jacob said. He grabbed his clothes, changed quickly and headed out of the room.


            Jacob walked Alexandria up to her apartment to make sure she got in safely, “I can’t believe this place is still here.” he said, “This was the first placed I moved to when I moved out on my own.”

            “This is only temporary for me.” Alexandria said unlocking the door and opening it, “I need someplace I can have all my pets with me.”

She walked into the apartment and Jacob followed, closing the door behind, “How many do you have?”

“Two Maltese dogs, a few hundred gold fish and I’m thinking about getting another pet.” she said placing her keys on the table by the door and walking to the thermostat and turning up the heat a bit.

“And I thought I had a lot of pets with my two dogs and two birds.” Jacob said with a laugh.

“What can I say, I love animals.” she laughed. She pushed the blankets off the sofa, “You can sit down if you want. I just have to check the messages.”

Jacob nodded his head, sat down and watched as Alexandria walked to the back room. Five minutes later she came back with a bag and was shoving dance shoes into it, “Going so soon?”

“One of the instructors at the dance studio called in sick and they need me to fill in.” she said, “Then I have to practice for my upcoming interview.” she walked to the refridgerator and piled four bottles of water into her gym bag

“Practice for an interview?” he asked as he walked to her and took the gym bag

“Yup. Wednesday I have an interview with NYDT.” she said opening the door and grabbing her keys.

“NYDT?” Jacob questioned as he walked out of the apartment

Alexandria closed the door and locked it before walking down the hall, “New York Dance Troupe.”

“Is that the one where the pick people to dance at different awards shows?” he asked as he followed her down the hall to the elevator

“Yeah, they do that, but I’m more of the hip-hop kind of thing.” she said pushing the down button on the elevator.

“So you want to be a choreographer?”

The doors to the elevator opened and they walked in, “I guess you could say that.” She said, “I mean it was either dance or sing.”

“Why don’t you do both?” he asked

“I want stability and I think that dancing would give me that over singing.” Alexandria said.

The elevator doors opened in the basement parking and they walked towards the garage where she had the car locked up, “Car’s in here?” Jacob asked

“Yeah, I swore I’d never use this place, but after what happened to my car, I didn’t want to take any chances.” She unlocked the garage and Jacob pulled it open. Alexandria flipped on the light switch and three florescent lights came on.

She walked to the car, unlocked it and Jacob put her bag in. “Hop in; I’ll give you a ride to your car.” She said with a laugh.

            Jacob laughed and got in the car, “It’s been a while since I’ve been in the passenger seat of this car.”

© 2008 Lizet Elaine

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Added on February 27, 2008