Chapter 13: Rockgoon

Chapter 13: Rockgoon

A Chapter by Vertigo Cat1111

It's about time Link and Midna meet some new faces. But they seem to have a very interesting past.

Link had to wonder what was wrong with her. He couldn't not. Why she had been blushing, stuttering and getting even ANGRIER, today? As she ranted about something, confusion, Link's mind flared with even MORE confusion. He felt the curiosity within him build, yet he left befuddlement unvoiced. Midna seemed angry enough with that fury sparking within her red eyes.
What was she hiding? 
"Maybe I can take you up on throwing you down a hill, eh?" Midna growled, continuing in the body of an imp. Link settled the budding bewilderment within him, shaking it downwards.
Link stayed silent as they strode down the trail of grassy, rocky walls. The area they were in now, wasn't so grassy and getting progressively more rocky like.
"Well, LINK!?"
The said Hylian ground his teeth together, losing his patience. He could never truly be ANGRY at Midna, but the confusion was IRRITATING him. Thus, the teeth grinding. He glanced at the image of the huffy and ill-tempered imp. With one hand on her hip, floating aside him, keeping up with him as he walked, glaring.
What was up with the princess? She was rarely ever an imp, and... he realized she only really was when she threatened him. And so... maybe he suggests she be a twilit more?
But as his mouth opened, he realized it was too late too close it, (because it'd make her upset) because he realized what he was about to say was- not a good idea.
"Midna, why don't you try being a Twilit? You love that form, right?" he suggested idiotically before he could realize how horrible of a decision it was. It was already spoken.
She turned to him, and Link flinched, and actually put his hands up in defense, expecting the worst. 
And he got it. 
Just... not in the way he expected.
She stared at him, pouting. Her arms hung down low, and she had stronger puppy-dog-eyes then any ACTUAL puppy dog he'd ever seen. 
Wait, what? What exactly had he done to her? What was this sorcery? Midna's... feelings were hurt?
"Okay. I know. I get it. I'm a hideous, wretched imp. I know, I know, I'm ugly." She pouted. Link could only stare and stand, shocked. It was all very out of character for this princess. For MIDNA.
"No, no, no, no," Link said rather very fast. "I didn't- didn't-" he babbled. He got very frustrated with his words, shouting. "I DIDN'T, mean like that, sorry, no, I meant because you always-" he paused. Scare. Was scare the right word? "You always seem to violently threaten me with MURDER, more so as an imp," he explained, agitated yet panicked. He whirled around to stare at her, unsatisfied with how he'd explained it, the confusion tearing him apart with frustration. "I only politely asked, because that's when you can throw BOULDERS at me!"
"Oh... sorry," Midna mumbled, seemingly embarrassed and sad. Link's heart broke. Well, hell. He'd been too harsh with her. He'd been frustrated about how he was having such a hard forming sentence around her- which was basically all the time now. So, what if it wasn't her doing that to him?
But, he knew it was.
Midna morphed back into a twilit, with that same familiar hissing noise when he turned into a wolf or his more fleshy form.
"...You don't have to change... I'm sorry." He spoke, daring to say what he was about to say.
"You're adorable as an imp, y'know." He said.
He flinched as she whipped her head around. He expected to see livid, ruby eyes. But all he saw was a slightly open mouth, fear in the eyes, confusion, sheepishness, and-
"HELLO!" "KerBLAAAAH!" Link and Midna screamed, jumping back, falling down. 
In front of them was a large, blue and yellow- fish Goron? Or-! No, it was a fusion of a Goron and a Zora? It had the long, fin hoops on the head, hanging down, and gills across his ribs, and fins across his arms. He was a Goron yellow, obviously, but his hands and the tip of his head were a light blue. The team stared in wonder. 
"Oops! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare ya'!" He grinned apolegticly. "Name's Sebastian! Yeah, uh, they named me that stuffs back at Rockgoon!"
"Rock...Rockgoon?" Midna asked, thoroughly confused, raising a thick eyebrow, as she looked up at him. "Where I live! You guys wanna comes and visits?" He asked, and Link noticed his extreme use of plurals. "You both look pretty tired. I'm guessing you're that Link guy? I don't think you've been here before right? And you look like that Twilit?" He asked, itching his pointed head. 
Link and Midna, (still keeping themselves up with their arms, on their bums) turned to each other, eyes wide. What was meant to be a confused glance, turned into a shocked stare. They were so famous, it spread to here? Well, somewhat...
Link guy and that Twilit... Mmm...
"It's where I live!" he repeated, "c'mon!" he gruffly smiled, gesturing forth. As he got into stomped ahead, smiling, seemingly leading the way, Link and Midna once again exchanged glances. 
"Should we... go?" Midna asked.
"They seem friendly enough," Link said getting up, feeling Midna's unnerved emotions. Or was it from when he called her adorable? It was a possible blessing from the Gods, that the strange hybrid had interrupted it all. 
But Midna got up first, more trustworthy probably, and Link got up quick, suddenly feeling protective-... Well, more protective than usual. "I'll, er- lead the way," he suggested, hoping Midna wouldn't think he was figuring she was weak. 
But Midna did not object to it, as he jumped in front of her, sword and shield in his grip, at the ready. She stayed back and behind for a few seconds, and now that no one could see it, she was grinning, behind Link's back. Somehow, someway, she let it stay there. For, the only thing she could do was smile till it hurt at what he'd told her, before. 
Why, exactly did Midna let herself, when her walls were still built so high, so strong? She didn't know.
'Me? Cute...? Not as much as you, Link."
Midna was feeling positive and optimistic now. Maybe it was the compliment, on what she felt was the lowest physical form of herself. If Link thought she was adorable- he had to be right.
They trudged ahead, and Link suddenly had the urge to speak up. "So..." he began, and Midna glanced at him. He tried to find a way to ask but was struggling to do so.
"So... are you a hybrid?" he just decided to ask. Sebastian immediately nodded, still walking ahead. "Yeah. You see, a long time ago," he began to speak, and Midna glared at Link for starting THIS backstory.
So far, it'd been a peaceful walk, full of silence and pretty rocky yet green views. They'd been climbing a wall, for a minute or so. Link's hands felt sore, fingers especially, but the excitement was bursting in his chest. So far, he'd seen no one in this land to him. 
As he gripped tightly onto the stones, covered in moss, a shrill howl echoed from somewhere. He squinted, listening intently. Why was that call so familiar? It almost felt as it was calling explicitly to himself solely...
And Link wasn't one to dominated by love for himself. He knew the world didn't revolve around him, undeterred by the fact that he knew he may have very well liberated it, saved it.
The- what he was guessing was a wolf, (he would know, in essence, IS one,) wolfs' call faded into the prodigious and astrological, unknown day. Something about it weighed on him, but not in a white-knuckled way. It was just... laying simply and quietly on his mind, softly prodding him to memorialize it postliminy, when needed.
Link grunted as he gripped onto the final stone, and heaved himself up. Before gazing at the wondrous view, he wiped his clothing off, moss falling off. He heard Midna gasp. "Woah..." she said.
He looked up, forgetting that there must've been a beautiful view, considering they'd climbed so high. He was right. Link and Midna investigated their new surroundings.
It was beautiful. It reminded him a lot of the beginning of Hyrule, but more mountain and rocky like. It was big, and everything was stretched out as far as the eye could see. It hurt Link's eyes to even try and see it all. He squinted, trying to see across the land, blue eyes straining to see whatever he could. But the really, truly amazing thing, was the mountain up ahead, they were heading to.
It was jaw-dropping. It had this unspoken amazing aura about, even now that they were a bit closer. Where they'd been traveling had felt secluded, yet felt as if there was more outside of it. But they had yet to see it all, until now.
Sporadic trees dotted some areas, little puddles of water, and there were paths to places yet to be explored by them. A very, very long and large bridge seemed to be laid out to the right. Link's heart began to beat with a longing to explore that. He wanted to meet new creatures. New people, see new places, eat new food, explore every creepy, little nook and cranny with Midna, and fight side by side with her.
But Link couldn't. Not just now, and not just yet. But he would. And, that mountain-
That MOUNTAIN- Was that even a mountain? Could you even climb that? How long was that gonna take? It seemed taller than the moon. Reached higher than the stars. Was bigger then Hyrule and the world itself. Link had no idea anything could be so big. Even if big wasn't exactly the correct word- like at ALL. In fact, the mountain was threatening. It gave off a scary, creepy aura like if it came toppling down, it'd end the world, all the galaxies, and everything before, in between and after.
"What- is that called?" Link could only breathlessly rasp out. He glanced at Midna, who was staring in awe also, crimsons eyes wider then he'd ever seen them. It was all very strange.
Link turned his head to Sebastian, but he was only smiling proudly. How was he not- HORRIFIED by that beautiful BRUTE implanted into their precious earth? Well, he'd be used to it by now, but seriously, it was still... scary.
"Oh, that's the Mountain of Storms. Supposedly, you can't see it now, but it's so big, it defies logic. Clouds don't touch it ups there, and it doesn't snow, just storms all the time, or if it's nots, always looks like it's going to," he happily explained, looking up at it, gigantic hands placed up his hips. There was silence as they all stared in awe. Well, at least Link and Midna did. Sebastian just looked proud. 
This is what they signed up for.
They loved it.
"I guess it looks pretty humongous to you guys, but to us, we're used to it- well... honestly, it never stops being amazing."
Link didn't know what to say. He really hadn't realized its size, and he guessed neither had Midna. "Over there is my home!" The Gorzon shouted, pointing left.
"Wow!" Midna finally spoke from beside him. He turned to her, voice awakening him from his daze. An imp now! But why would she-?
His eyes widened. Suddenly, he got the strangest, sneaking suspicion that-
Suddenly, something jumped out of the bushes neither Link nor Midna had seen in a long while. Bokoblins. Out of nowhere, they attacked, crying out in anger. A switch went off in Link's brain. The Gods must've brought them back.
Link morphed into a wolf, and Midna jumped on his back, as he growled, snapping his jaws at the wretched saboteur. Unwilling to show any nervousness, because he had not fought in a while- why should he be nervous? He asked himself- he launched forth. He couldn't remain indifferent. Maybe in his depressed stupor before he'd found Midna, but not with her in possible danger. 
He turned on them, lowering his haunches, and he bared his teeth and barked. For some strange reason, and he was unsure why- but he felt especially angry as they glared at his companion who sat upon his back, readying her hair to fight. Link found himself desperately wishing she'd hide away instead of fight. 
He knew it was an impossible wish, and though a part was fearful, another part yelled at him, knowing Midna could handle herself and Link, and a kingdom.
Midna paused and found herself staring at Link. He suddenly looks very infuriated and screwy now. Absolutely deranged. Was he alright? She wondered.
Link jumped at the monster and bit its neck, chomping down on his unfortunate prey so hard, that he felt his teeth scrape the bone, and he winced.
Midna felt a strange passion within him as she slowly choked the other gross Bokoblin to death, all the while keeping an eye on her friend. He was really tearing it apart. But, after dispatching the two, Sebastian intercepted Link's anger and Midna's confusion.
"Wow! What a rush!" Sebastian exclaimed. "Although let me tell you two, I have not seen one of those in a long while. Wonder why they're out?" He pondered.
Midna rolled her eyes at him, finding the Gorzon to some extent, pretty obnoxious. But what he said, made a thought cross her mind, and her eyes darted down, worried.
What if her and Link being in a companionship once again created them? What if they were causing destruction? Death and evil everywhere they went? How would she ever... 
She wanted to stop her thoughts when they started pouring in, but she could not help the negativity stirring up in her mind. Cold from her mind assailed her, almost choking her, then she suddenly realized she was gripping at her chest, almost hyperventilating.
Goddamn it! Rationality!
She was Midna! She had to think rationally! Link was staring at her, along with Sebastian. She must've looked like she'd seen a ghost. Yes... rationality. The Gods- they seemed like tricky ones already. And Link and Midna couldn't create that! That was from Zant, and chaos. There was no chaos going on.
The Gods most likely were spreading them, trying to scare them... Yes... that just seemed like the right answer... Felt right.
"Oh, let's get moving!" Midna shouted, angry, and maybe a little embarrassed.
Glad to put it behind them, Link nodded at Midna, confirming that he was remaining a wolf the rest of the way there. She nodded, and couldn't help but smile, hoping Link had missed it. The imp laid on her stomach, and propped her oversized head up with her teeny hands, as their newly met acquaintance rolled his way.
It was a beautiful and cloudy twilight by the time they passed a deep looking ravine, and then into Rockgoon. It had been a beautiful walk, and Link longed for more of it. Paws tired, he pushed onward, until they found some rocky hills. They were tall, and as Link's paws padded against the stone, following Sebastian the climb up, he noticed a large boulder leaning against the wall that looked out of place.
And he was right, because as they approached it, Sebastian unfurled from his classic, Goron ball form, and stood by the rock, sighing and pausing for a moment, waiting for a near panting Link to catch up with him completely.
Exhausted, Link planted his tired and sore hindquarters down for a second, tongue lolling out, and Midna yawned. "Well, here we are you guys!" Sebastian cried happily, and planted his hands on the large boulder, seemingly covering some hole, Link guessed.
He pushed the boulder over, and it rolled just once to the side, unblocking a hole. Link stared blindly at it, still mulling through thoughts, that the journey had given him time to go through.
The road ahead of them would be a long one. He knew that. The size of The Mountain Of Storms had frightened him, shocked him, and he was unsure how long it would be to get to the top. And not to mention he-nor Midna- knew if it was up there... It was a possible lucky guess.
Link found he was getting used to traveling a bit again, even if all he wanted to do right now was feast, and then get a good night's rest. He shut his sharp blue eyes for several seconds, wanting to fall asleep then and there, the thought of the huge journey tiring the poor wolf out even more.
And to think! That the Gods- who he thought were kind light beings, godly of course, but were only cruel, beings- found Twilits only to be a pawn in Hyrule, or maybe just a pawn in their wicked snare... 
It was all very surprising, and his mind had yet to let him comprehend it. They were capable of so, so much. Maybe they would even decide to echo Ganondorf, or the usurper, Zant. The thought gave him chills. But the idea that turned into a realization that they were capable, and would do much, much more- scared him. Sent shivers down his spine.
The world he loved, this new land he was beginning to love- His tranquility in Ordon, adventures in Hyrule, happiness in Kakariko, excitement in Zora's Village, and love and joy in Stormsky- could all be ripped apart like nothing. Torn to pieces like grass. By these sordid Gods of malignant, and unpersuadable narrow-mindedness.
More powerful than anything... More than anything they'd ever faced... More powerful than even Zant and Ganondorf combined... created by the Goddesses... Taking hold of everything, and Midna, forever.
Everlasting Midnight...
Never to see another dawn again.
Link's chest began to feel tight. How would he ever protect Hyrule this time? Or Stormsky? And how would he ever- "Link!" A voice called. He looked up, feeling odd at a comfortable heaviness being lifted off of his back. His tail curled up as he lifted his head the same direction. Midna was staring at him now, large red eye rather close, concern almost wrinkling her face. Sebastian's beady- red, Link noticed- eyes were also staring, albeit less concerned. 
"Hmm," he pondered. "Do Hyrule beings always space out this much?" He asked, and Link looked at Midna, who was rolling her eyes, hands placed upon hips. "You know, and it's also pretty neat, I had heard about your whole wolf thing, but had no idea if it was true! Hmm! Guess it is!" He exclaimed consistently. 
Link looked at Midna, as he turned into a human. They walked to the tunnel carved through the hulking, grand mountainside. Petrichor filled the air, and Link went right ahead, suddenly his exhaustion being replaced with excitement. He was about to meet a whole area with hybrids!
They took up pace alongside Sebastian, who strutted smiling. Midna had a great deal of energy around her also. It seemed the excitement was contagious. Through the passage was longer and darker than the entrance to Zora's Domain. But ahead, seemed to be a glistening pool of water, as he heard splashing, waterfalls, and ecstatic yelling. After a few more moments in the dark, and the sound of yelling and water graced Link's ears, there was a sudden great deal of light. The rush of water and families hit him now. 
It was a large open area, very similar to Zora's Domain, but more village like? There was a large pool of water in the middle, where hybrids were everywhere. Swimming, eating, talking, shoving one another off of high places. Uh... "Ooh, that's dark," Midna mumbled next to him.
Link continued to look upon the new place. Up high, was a possible throne room, like Prince Rali's. It made Link wonder if they had a ruler. They were surrounded by rocky pillars, etchings of tales of old all around the long balcony they were in. It was truly beautiful. 
"This is where I live!" Sebastian informed. "And all those people"- he pointed to where hybrids jumped out of the water, and Link took notice of them, finding it interesting that some were more Zora like or vice versa, "are my family and friends."
He turned away from Link and Midna, his front now facing his home, looking proud. "Lemme give ya' a little tour!" He said. 
Link caught himself about to sigh and heard Midna let her sigh out. Walking across the balcony, the Gorzon spoke about little insignificant things, Midna turned her head to her best friend. "Does he ever STOP?" She whispered, and Link felt the agonizingly, tired tone in her voice. Link this time let out a little quiet sigh. "I know, but, we just have to grin and bear it, really," the hero divulged. He was unsure what Midna's reaction would be, but she merely nodded and sighed, turning her pale blue head back to the chattering Gorzon.
The antecedent farmboy couldn't stop a smile, breaking from the crook of his mouth. Maybe he was right. Maybe he WAS a good influence on Midna. Look at her! Being patient and everything!
They tiredly waddled after the energetic loud Sebastian, out of the balcony, and to the other side of the falls, passing the large entrance, that like had previously wondered if a king or queen sat upon a throne in there. It all made him very curious, he realized. This hybrids- where'd they come from, and how long had they been around? 
And also very important, why weren't they back in Hyrule, if Zora's and Goron's originated from Hyrule? 
"I once beat a fish up here," Sebastian admitted. "Wouldn't stop screaming and it was three A.M. so, I wouldn't stop punching."
Midna ignored him and looked down upon the creatures, in obvious wonderment. Link stared at her face, and got an intense punch in the stomach, feeling of butterflies.
"That's SAD," she spoke before he could have a breakdown, "why are they murdering each other?" she asked, referring to how the creatures were easily pushing one another of the highest tops of Sebastian's home.
"No, it's fun! Push me!" Sebastian asked, excited. "PLEEEASE!" The Gorzon cried, and Midna realized if she did, they could get this damn tour over with.
She thrust her hands outwards, and for a second, Link winced, worried Midna's hands would accidentally get hurt, as they were being thrust into a hard shell back. 
But Midna's enervation and irritation made her stronger. 
He easily fell forward and screamed as he did so, flailing his arms. "AAAAAAAHH!" He screamed. Midna wipes her hands together. "That's the last of him, " she smiled. Link tried not to laugh, as he felt a bit bad. Well, at least there was water down there.
But before he could see their (ex) companion drop all the way to the bottom, a voice sounded from behind them.
"Hello! May I help you?" 
Link and Midna turned around. The newcomer was also a hybrid. It was more Zora then Goron though. It had strong-looking chest, and he was all black, with green Goron markings around him. He held a green staff, that was glowing a bit, and a something much like a crown, set on his head. He felt like a king to Link. 
"Oh, h-hi! Um, one of your... this guy called Sebastian came and escorted us," Midna explained, as Link noticed her face wrinkled a bit. She seemed nervous to be talking to a new person.
"Are you- are you perhaps the Link and Midna I've heard so much about?" "Um, hehe..." Link chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Oh my goodness," the Zorgon said. He reached his large hand out to shake theirs. Link took notice of his iron tight grip. This guy nearly shook Link all around. But as he shook unfortunate Midna's hand, Link pondered something, that confused him as to why it had not entered his mind till now.
"Wait, wait... how do you know about us? We live rather far, and Midna-" Link began, but cut himself off, very thrown off balance. Comet shook his head, smiling. "We're very much so, more in touch with our history than some folks in Hyrule," he explained. But Link noticed as he said Hyrule, he sneered a bit. "Were you looking for us?" He asked.
"Well, not exactly," Link began, doing the talking for sudden shy Midna. "We don't know our way around here exactly, never been here before," he said quickly "and we ran into Sebastian."
"Hmm..." Comet pondered. "Well, would you like to stay the night?" he asked. "Of course, as long as you're not against my hybrids," he suddenly squinted suspiciously. 
Link and Midna vigorously shook their head. "Oh, no, no, no! They all seem very great. I'd like to know more about them," Link exclaimed, nervous. He and Midna were much too tired to find a new, secluded place, not to mention more food. But it was true. These hybrids we're very appealing, and he wanted to know more. He was sure Midna felt the same.
Comet stared at them for a moment, and Link's heart pounded. Crap. Had he messed this up? But he quickly nodded. "Yes, okay." He confirmed in the awkward silence, as Link and Midna stared nervously and wide-eyed, side by side. But now, Link and Midna's shoulders fell in relief. "Hero and Princess, you're obviously not like the others a long time ago and Hyrule, and probably still poisoning Hyrule now." 
The companions felt awkward, even though they both had a great liking for this land, and it's people. It was a good (but awkward) start to meeting new populations in this beautiful, stormy, massive region.
"Yes, you can stay the night. It's free tonight, for our heroes," he smiled generously. "I'm sure my queen, Orin, will be okay with this. She's a lovely lady. Come meet her later if you can, alright?" he asked. 
Link and Midna simultaneously nodded. Thank the Goddesses. "Er, thank you," Link thank. "Of course we'll come to see Queen Orin."
Comet nodded, but then said, "Thank you, but please, she doesn't like being called 'Queen'... Merely Orin will do." 
Link smiled in response, and Comet handed over some keys. "Your room is the one the right, on the top," he explained and walked away. "I'll send some food up there! Trust me, we have some of the best delicacy's you could imagine!"
Link and Midna looked at each other, smiling and exhausted. They were truly grateful for how lucky they were. But... Link was...
"I... kinda wanna- er- look around a bit more..." the Hylian mumbled, trying to make a getaway. But as Midna watched a Zorgon drown she turned Link around, grabbed his wrist, and tore him away from the sight. "Let's get outta here."
"Oh, we hit the jackpot!" Link shouted as they finally made it to their room. "Calm down, we, oh-" Midna stopped herself as she floated in as an imp (she'd changed earlier, feet far too sore to go on walking).  
She floated a bit ahead of excited Link, arms swinging loosely. The room was rather large, and a bit tall made out of stone. But what they got was an arched window, with a gorgeous (and horrifying) view of what Sebastian had told them was The Mountain Of Storms. And, on a small table, with two stone chairs, (ow) sat two large delicious looking chicken salads and drinks.
By the window sat a bed, covered in blue sheets, and pillows, big enough for both of them. Another window sat on the left. It was able to shine a lot in the room, because of the size of the windows.
"Wow... You're RIGHT. It's magnificent."
"Magnificent?" Link chuckled, coming in beside her. "You've changed, y' know, Somethings... DIFFERENT."
"Different?" Midna sneered at his words, anxiety squeezing her heart. "HA!" she spat, hoping he didn't notice her voice crack. "I can only change my appearance, HERO," she remarked snidely, and Link laughed at her, but she was too much in deep thought to care.
Midna hovered over to the window and stared at the massive, glorious mountain. It was jaw-dropping, awe-inducing. 
"Midna, I think I broke my foot."
Midna quit her daydreaming and turned around. Link was holding his boot in pain, biting his lip, eyes watery. Hmm... Karma. "The- b-bed's rock hard."
The imp floated over to the bed, and rapped her little knuckles on it, confirming that, yes, it was rock hard.
"Oh!" She gasped. She was frustrated at Link right now anyway. He hadn't been listening. "Let's just sleep on the floor!" The imp growled, rolling over and going ragdoll onto a extremely soft, fluffy gray carpet. Oh, WOW! It was soft. The softest... in fact, it was almost as soft as Link's fur...
Link sighed, sitting down beside Midna, and patting her little back, as she began to fall asleep. It made Midna infuriated. She launched up from her sleepy daze, baring her sharp teeth at him. "Do not patronize me, BOY!"
"Sorry..." he yipped.
Midna zipped over to her salad, and dunked it into her mouth angrily, eating it in one bite, making grumbly noises. She then zoomed over to the carpets and attempted to lift them, grunting. Link remembered he was starving too, and waddled over to the greek salad, and dumped it into his mouth, just like Midna. He choked for a split second but swallowed loudly, and the food went down.
Goddess's, Midna was one special woman.
"Wait! Hold on! I have an idea!" Midna shouted, mood swinging, and it made Link nearly choke on his fizzy soda.
Midna hovered over to Link, and it scared him. She may have deadly intentions. The princess started poking his stomach, mumbling. "Needs more fur..."
"WHAT?" Link yelled, being a scatterbrain, not understanding, even though Midna should've just told him what she wanted.
She flew upwards and tugged roughly on his ears, mumbling something, but it was now inaudible.
"Needs a tail..." "OW!" "More fur..."
There was a pause as she flew upwards, high enough to make direct eye contact with him. She stared at him. Link was scared.
This made Link jump. "Huh?" he asked, itching the back of his neck. "Turn into a wolf!" "What's a wo- Oh, RIGHT!"
With the familiar hissing sound, he now stood on four legs and stood up and Midna, who's hands lay upon her hips. "Now, help me put this on the bed, they're heavy," she requested, flying over to the carpet taking it in her hands. But Link pondered within his now furry head, why didn't she just turn Twilit? But he decided to hurry, and he bent down, taking the carpet in his teeth. As he did so, he saw Midn out of the corner of his eye, struggling and grunting. He couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter, jaws clamped onto the carpet.
She let go, when she heard him, putting her hands on her hips, and threateningly tilting her head and glaring. His sharp blue eyes darting down.
Link dragged it onto the bed and laid it across. He began to bounce on it playfully, barking. 
"NO! We're not done yet!" Midna yelled, then sighed. 
After doing as Midna asked (ordered) they got on the bed, with both carpets. "Thanks, Link..." Midna yawned. "You don't mind staying a wolf tonight, though- do you?"
Link's only answer was curling his fluffy, gray tail around her body.
Midna smiled. His tail really WAS much softer than this carpet. Her hands kneaded against it, more comfortable than anything. Even sleeping on a bed of actual rock, next to a wolf, and on carpets.
Now she grinned. That ditzy Ilia girl didn't have this. She'd probably just be too scared to sleep near a wolf anyway. Coward. She and Link haven't been through what MIDNA and LINK had.
But... she'd never accepted what she felt deep inside, Midna told herself... No...
But little did Midna know-
She already had accepted it.

© 2020 Vertigo Cat1111

Author's Note

Vertigo Cat1111
Please review and any constructive criticism is welcome! All rights belong to Nintendo besides my own characters.

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Added on September 28, 2020
Last Updated on September 28, 2020
Tags: Link. Midna. Zelda. Twilight Pri

Legend Of Twilight: Everlasting Dawn


Vertigo Cat1111
Vertigo Cat1111

🐱💙My biggest writing inspirations are Lorde, Gabbie Hanna, and Phoebe Bridgers. If you like any of them feel free to talk to me about it! Never be afraid to go on tangents to talk abou.. more..
